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 TCW Revolucion from Puerto Rico (Aug. 26 2006) 
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Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
Post TCW Revolucion from Puerto Rico (Aug. 26 2006)
<center>Disclaimer: Neither TCW nor its affiliates or its sponsors want to encourage a revolucion in Puerto Rico
We support the current system of government and hope that we in no way encourage violence against elected officials
And in closing - VIVA PUERTO RICO!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND NOW!! "TCW what the wooooooooooooooooooooorld is reading"

Well you can bump and grind
If it's good for your mind
Well you can twist and shout
Let it all hang out
But you won't fool the
Children of the revolucion
No you won't fool the
Children of the revolucion
No no

Well you can tear a plane
In the falling rain
I drive a Rolls Royce
'Cause it's good for my voice
But you won't fool the
Children of the revolucion
No you won't fool the
Children of the revolucion



BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP!


Image</center>Tex: "Welcome to Puerto Rico, Welcome to TCW, WELCOME TO REVOLUCION!!!"

Cain: "I'm Isiah Cain, he's Tex Tantrum and that's Banter Shark and tonight the action is as hot as the weather!"

Banter: "It's the last stop before we head to Europe and it's our last show before the Pay Per View"

Tex: "Before we get ahead of ourselves let's go to the ring and our opening contest!!"

DeadZone Vs the Italian Stallions

Sammy Eubanks: "The opening match is a handicap match set for one fall. Introducing first at a combined weight of 515 pounds the team of Tony and Paul Mancini - the I-TALIAN STALLIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNSS!!

"Do Ya Think I'm sexy" by Rod Stewart begins to play as Jag and Stallion dance out wearing sunglasses and accompanied by four hot chicks wearing next to nothing dancing as well.

Tex: "Do you think"

Banter: "SHHHHHHHHHHH don't bother me when the chicks dance!"

"She sits alone waiting for suggestions
He's so nervous avoiding all the questions
His lips are dry, her heart is gently pounding
Don't you just know exactly what they're thinking"

"If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
come on sugar let me know.
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
come on honey tell me so
Tell me so baby"

After dancing on stage Jag and Stallion leave the four hot chicks and start to dance down the aisle posing in front of the ladies daring the ladies to touch their stomachs while all the male fans are cursing at them. The song keeps playing in the background as Jag and Stallion strut across the apron still moving to the beat of the song.

"If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
come on honey tell me so
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
come on sugar let me know"

Jag and Stallion finally enter the ring, they both strut across the ring and then pose as the song finishes up and Sammy Eubanks gets ready to introduce their opponent.

Do not adjust your TV screens, it's supposed to be in black and white and slightly grainy.

The slow wailing sound of a soulful Jazz saxophone is heard with a bit of crackle in the background almost as if it's being played on an old record player. In the distance thunder is rumbling.

Sammy Eubanks: "And their opponent weighing in at 190 pounds from Long Island New York - DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADZONE!!"

Every TV screen in the arena turns to a shot of New York city at night, it's raining, raining hard and thunder is rolling in as the 40'ties Jazz plays on accompanying DeadZone as he walks out, stopping once to duck out of the way of a guy pointing a camcorder at him. Once DeadZone is convinced that it's not a gun he resumes his walk down the aisle and steps into the ring.

Tex: "Here comes a man that's battling the odds"

Banter: "yeah battling them like a fox!"

Jaguar takes the first shot as he goes straight for DeadZone instead of playing it lose like they usually do and the surprise element is enough to rattle DeadZone. Demonstrating that might be big but he's also fast Paul Mancini comes bouncing off the ropes and strikes DeadZone in the chest with a stiff clothesline that has enough force behind it to take his opponent off his feet early in the contest.

Tex: "He wasn't prepared for that! The Italian Stallions not only have the size and numbers advantage they had to jump him before the bell too?"

Banter: "Hey if it works!"

Cain: "DeadZone is thrown off his game plan, he's not the kind of guy to quickly formulate a new one, it takes time and Jaguar is using this time to his advantage"

After having studied DeadZone Paul Mancini knows that the best tactic is to stay away from DeadZone's hands and arms so that he can't get his hands on him and then just stick and move, stick and move. A back drop for instance is a great way to keep DeadZone off balance without giving him a chance to unload with his arsenal of technical moves. The back drop knocks DeadZone ass over elbow so that he ends up face down on the canvas in the middle of the ring. Paul turns around and swiftly tags in his brother who is eager to fight and rushes his opponent, leaps up and nails him in the back of the head with a high knee that sends DeadZone face first into the turnbuckles. With his opponent down and hurting Tony Mancini turns to the crowd to show off his sexy body

Tex: "Wouldn't he be better off focusing on DeadZone?"

Banter: "Yeah like you're not loving that"

Tony climbs the turnbuckles, pulling both legs up under him as he descends on DeadZone who's sprawled out on the canvas, not extending his legs until the very last moment so they can make contact with DeadZone's chest in a spectacularly painful way.


The Thin Air Flying leg drop gets a round of applause from Jaguar but a round of boos from the crowd. Figuring that he needs to stick it to his opponent more he runs at the ropes to build up enough steam for a running boot scrape.


The Stallion can't help but smirk at the crowd reaction and can't resist pissing them off even more by giving them the middle finger before tagging in his brother once more. Tony holds onto DeadZone's legs so that he can't move out of the way as Paul Mancini climbs on the ropes. The plan works like a charm as Jaguar lands a flying leg drop right across DeadZone's throat and then goes for a cover as Tony steps through the ropes once more.




Tony curses himself that he left DeadZone's legs too close to the rope allowing him to escape the pinfall. Paul the Jaguar doesn't look too bothered by the save though , it's early in the match and he has plenty of tricks up his sleeve.

And a fist upside his head!!

DeadZone tries to fight back but the big man quickly subdues him with a back elbow. With an almost unnoticeable nod to his brother Paul gets back to his feet and drags DeadZone back as well while Tony walks down the apron and begins to complain to the referee about something, a lack of mirrors at ringside or something. The moment the referee turns his back on Paul to get Tony to go back in the corner Jaguar lifts DeadZone up in the air for an Inverted Atomic Drop. On the downward move Paul swiftly brings up his knee and strikes DeadZone between the legs before dropping his opponent with the Atomic Drop.


Banter: "It wouldn't be an Itallian Stallion match without a nut shot Tex"

Tex: "It wouldn't be an Italian Stallion match without a nut job you mean"

Banter: "I know exactly what I meant"

When the referee turns around and sees DeadZone on the ground holding his testicular area he tries to question Jaguar about what happened but soon realizes it's about as pointless as putting wheels on a tomato. Paul just blows off the warnings and pulls DeadZone back to his feet once more. With one hand on DeadZone's hair and another on his shirt Paul rubs DeadZone's face against the top rope, running his eyes over the plastic casing of the steel wire.


"Hey cut that out!" the referee yells, tired of the Stallions' repeated breaking of the rules. The referee's comments quickly get a reply from Tony Mancini on the apron in the form of one single finger being held up in the air - I'll let you guess which.

Paul whips DeadZone into the ropes and then throws his helpless opponent up high in the air for a back drop, but instead of flipping his opponent over he just lets him drop face first from his elevated position, adding a stiff punch to the gut as DeadZone drops down.

Banter: "You know it almost brings a tear to my eye when I see a guy like Paul Mancini dismantle someone"

Cain:"Yeah it is sad"

Paul picks up DeadZone by the shirt and the pants and places him on the top turnbuckle with his back towards the ring. Then he reaches over the top rope and wedges one of DeadZone's feet under the ropes, trapping him before forcing the Noir Superstar backwards into the Tree of Woe position.

Paul gets a bit of distance, starts to run at his opponent coming in shoulder first and then



The crowd goes wild as DeadZone manages to flip his entire body up and out of harms way causing Paul to slam into the turnbuckles right shoulder first. Paul staggers backwards while holding his shoulder as DeadZone frees himself from the ropes and then turns around before leaping off the top rope with a drop kick.

Tex: "the Jaguar CAUGHT HIM!!"

Banter: "Oh this is bad, bad mojo!"

Paul turns around so that he has his back towards the turnbuckles and then drops backwards sending DeadZone flying through the air with a slingshot. Usually Paul's opponents hit the top of the ringpost or something like that but DeadZone is a bit more agile and alert and actually manages to land on the top rope with both feet putting his hands on the top of the ringpost to keep himself from falling out of the ring.

Cain: "Paul hasn't even seen DeadZone, he thinks he's in the clear"


The drop kick drills Paul in the right shoulder, adding to the damage already done from hitting the turnbuckles and finally manages to knock Paul down to a HUGE pop from the crowd.


Tex: "Come on DeadZone you've got to keep up the attack - You've managed to knock him down, now try and keep him there!!"

Banter: "Never gonna happen" King confidently states

DeadZone jumps up on the middle rope, then uses the springboard to twist himself around and land a Guillotine legdrop right across Paul's throat.

Cain: "Smart, very smart. Paul isn't in the greatest shape to begin with so making it hard for him to breathe is a good way to go. After all if you can't breathe it doesn't matter how big you are"

Banter: "True" King reluctantly admits.

Tex: "And he's keeping him from tagging out"

DeadZone grabs Paul by his neatly combed hair and pulls him up, but when Paul is on his knees he pushes DeadZone back off him so that he can get to his feet on his own. The push sends DeadZone back into the ropes but the ropes sends DeadZone back in Paul's direction paying Italian lover back with a drop kick right to his midsection


Tex: "That'll definitely knock the wind out of him"

DeadZone wastes no time and follows up with a kick on Paul as the big man is bent over holding his stomach. The kick to the face sends Paul backwards, knocking him into the ropes which is the only thing that prevented him from falling down again. Eyeing an opportunity DeadZone leaps up on the middle of the ropes to Paul's right and then twists his body as he comes off striking Paul square in the jaw with a flying forearm that takes the big man down with a thud.

Tex: "I don't believe it! DeadZone has clawed, scratched and fought his way back into this match"

Banter: "DeadZone knows what's on the line here, he knows that this is a golden opportunity and he's not about to let it slip through his fingers"

Cain: "That's very true, if he wins tonight I see good things in his future"

DeadZone doesn't climb the ropes but leaps straight up on the top rope where he finds his balance as Paul slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head to try and get rid of some of the cobwebs in his brain. DeadZone leaps off the top rope as Paul turns around, still staggered and breathing heavily but able to catch his opponent mid Corkscrew and turn it into a power bomb on the much lighter opponent





DeadZone manages to lift his right shoulder off the canvas a split second before the referee can count to 3. Tony Mancini is besides himself on the apron, cursing and swearing up a storm after prematurely celebrating their win win. If Paul wasn't so winded and gasping for air he may have cared but as it is he's focused on ending this as fast as possible while he still has a bit of gas left in the tank so he pulls DeadZone up once more, lifts him up and then places him on the top turnbuckles before climbing up on the second rope himself.

Tex: "Man we hardly ever see Paul going to the ropes, he's pulling out ALL stops tonight in hopes of polishing DeadZone off"

Paul gets DeadZone in a front headlock, then grabs the youngster's pants before lifting him up in the air for a super-plex. Paul rarely goes to the ropes and when he does 9 times out of 10 it backfires on him. . . and this isn't the 1 time. DeadZone manages to twist his body and flip over the top of Paul and land on the his feet right behind Paul's back. DeadZone then leaps a good 7 feet into the air and drop kicks Paul between the shoulderblades in an incredibly display of vertical leaping ability. The drop kick knocks Paul forward, his skull grazing the top of the ring post before Paul is propelled backwards by the ropes.

Tex: "THIS IS IT!!"

DeadZone grabs the staggered Paul by the shirt and pulls him over to the corner where he quickly climbs up and then sits on Paul's shoulders with a leg on either side of Paul's head. DeadZone throws all of his body weight forward while holding on to Paul rolling the Jaguar up with a Victory Roll





Sammy Eubanks: The winner of the match - DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADZONE!!

DeadZone quickly rolls out of the ring and heads down the aisle, out of harms way as both the Italian Stallions would think nothing of jumping him after the bell.


Valerie: Come in.

*The Muslim Megastar Mutaaz Tareef, member of Infinity and also known as The Hammer, walks right in and takes a seat in front of Commissioner Valerie Stern's desk*

Hammer: Here's the deal Val-

Valerie: Don't call me that.

Hammer: I've come up with the stipulation for the match tonight. You know how I got to choose any type of match I wanted with Ghetto Grass at the PPV? Well...there's something I'd like to have much more than any kind of match with them. I'll give up that stipulation if you give me what I want.

Valerie: Which is?

Hammer: If my boy Bryan Nails gets a victory tonight, the Ghetto Grass kids no longer work for TCW...they work for me.

Valerie: You?

Hammer: That's right. Come on, you know they're going to fail the TCW Wellness test anyway...let me take them off your hands. I've taken good care of Yasmin over the last couple me, I won't do anything that'll get them hurt.

Valerie: Well...they'll probably agree to your request anyway, they really want a piece of you.

Hammer: And if GQ wins, they can put me in any kind of match they want. It's a fair deal.

Valerie: OK then, your request is accepted. But you do realize that no matter what happens tonight, you will be wrestling at the PPV.

Hammer: Of course.

Valerie: No matter what kind of shape you're in.

Hammer: I'm as fit as a fiddle!

Valerie: OK.

Hammer: OK!

*Hammer moans loudly while pulling himself out of the chair*

Valerie: What was that?

Hammer: Um, nothing. Sat on a needle.

Valerie: Right.

J.E. Vs "Supa Nacha Boy" Dick Flehr

Sammy Eubanks: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a K.O. match. The only way to win is to knock your opponent out for ten seconds


S.E: Introducing FIRST from SOUTH Carolina the TWO HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT times former world champion DICK FLEHEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

Tex: Dicks music hits and the 268 time former champ wobbl.....errr....struts to the ring in his sequined bathrobe.

Banter: Sequins? So you're just going to ACT like that isn't toothpaste?

I.C.: Well YOU two are just going to act like that music is called the Ric Flair or 2000 song and in reality it's called........

Banter: IS there an end to your master level geekiness? Do you think that ANYONE cares what the real name of the song is? What are you going to tell us about his football days? Let me guess he started BEFORE helmets right?


Banter: And he came out here without brushing his teeth I see. Would it have been that hard to just rub his robe against them MAN that stank.

S.E: And his opponent standing 6'5" and weighing IN at TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY pounds ladies and gentlemen THIS IS Jayyyyyyyyyy Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

As Aduioslave's - Cochise plays out, JE comes out of his locker room with his girlfriend/ valet Jess behind him. Has the first words of the song come start to sing, JE & Jess come out to the fans with his hands raised with Spiderman hand signals in the as a circle of HBK like pyro's go of behind him, and then as he gets in the ring pyro shoots from the ring post's.

The crowd cheers on J.E as he makes his way to the ring.

Flehr and J.E stand chest to chest in the ring with the younger man towering over the elder.

Tex: This should be good and violent but there is ONE major question.

I.C: That's right Tex. As you people know this is a K.O match so the only way to win is to knock your opponent out BUT!

Banter: It's a big but just like YOU two. There are NO weapons in this match and the knock out must occur in the ring. So the REAL question is how does either of THESE clowns win?

Tex: That question and MORE will be answered after THIS.

*commercial break*

[color = green]Are you tired of buying five pounds of Chicken flavored Ramen noodles when all you wanted was Beef?

Are you tired of having to buy six tires when you only need one?

Are you tired of eighty year old Red shirted rent-a cops blocking you from their doors just because you're not a member?

Are you tired of being injected with nano-machines that force you to fill your cart with a years worth of groceries when all you have is a mini fridge and all you REALLY wanted was a ham sandwich?

Then come to S-MART! We don't force you to be a member to save. S-MART! Don't be a mark for hidden prices be SMART shop S-MART!

Shadow: Hi I'm Shadow not only do I shop at S-MART,I Own it! Look for one to pop up right next t you're overpriced latte shop soon!

S-MART: think before you BUY![/color]

Tex: "We're BACK and the match is FINNALY getting underway.

I.C: So far Flehr has just been old man walking around the ring and wheeing. I think J.E is sick of it.

To legitimize I.C's statement J.E lands a running back elbow on Flehr sending him flying into the ropes. He catches him on the rebound with an inverted atomic drop that stuns Flehr. J.E runs to the opposite side of the ring for momentum and leaps for a FLYING ELBOW!!!!!!!


Whether through skill or accident Flehr sidesteps J.E's attack and the end result is J.E almost leaping headfirst out of the ring. He catches himself on the apron but only BARELY. Flehr attempts a clothesline but J.E ducks and punches nailing Flehr in the jaw sending him to his butt.

Banter: HEY he's down why isn't this ref counting?
I.C: Flehr is still sitting and clearly conscious so the referee is using his discretion as this is NOT a knock out situation.

J.E glares at the ref and walks over to Flehr, he then grabs him by the head and signals for a suplex. LOWBLOW Flehr snuck in a LOWBLOW. The old man springs up and follows with a TRADITIONAL Atomic Drop, J.E waddles from the impact unable to regain his composure, Flehr takes the opportunity to deliver a THIRD move a hard back body drop.

Flehr: WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

The ref starts counting while Flehr starts to strut.









Puff Puff Puff

J.E. is back up at five and notices a tired Dick Flehr, with a burst of energy he nails a running reverse neck breaker. J.E is back up and whips Dick into the ropes catching him with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker on the rebound. J.E does a throat slit motion and sets in a Camel Clutch

Tex: That devastating submission is set in PERFECTLY!

I.C: Flehr is in a WORLD of pain, by doing those moves to Flehrs neck and back he has assure maximum impact for this.

Banter: Yeah, yeah, maximum my ass. You two geniuses are forgetting one simple fact. J.E can't WIN by submission, and that isn't a sleeper so don't try to convince me he may pass out.

I.C: Still pass out or no this move will slow Flehr down.

Banter: So what he goes from a snail ace to an Amoeba pace?

The ref checks Flehrs arm and commands J.E. to release the hold after Flehrs arm drops. JE thinks that he's won


J.E stands in a corner and pumps his fist.


JE moves to another corner and does the same


At the third corner he blows a kiss to Jess.


At the fourth corner he tosses up the Spider-Man signs.

At 5 Flehr is up to a knee and rolls out of the ring, J.E removes the turnbuckle pad revealing the ring post. He's expecting Flehr to re enter the ring after he catches his breath but he is surprised to see Flehr reaching into the crowd.

Banter: What in the Hell is that old fart doing?

I.C: Well he can't grab a weapon because they are NOT allowed during this match.

Tex: I don't think he's looking for a weapon, I THINK that.....Good Lord NOW ISN'T THE TIME DICK!

Flehr calls over a vendor.

I.C: What the?

Flehr reaches into his tights and pulls out a five, he hands it to the vendor and the vendor hands HIM

Banter: I can't BELIVE it the old man is taking an ice cream break. WHAT A CHEATER!!!


I.C: How is ice cream cheating?

Banter: YOU saw his Cream Rages this is CLEARLY an unfair advantage.

Flehr continues to gobble down the Ice Cream cone letting out a WHEEEEE with each lick, but before his ice cream high can kick in JE is flying from the top rope with a flying forearm to the back of Flehr's head bringing him to the ground.

Tex: I think that Flehr MAY be out from that move but J.E NEEDS to have him in the ring for it to count.

After recovering, J.E. rolls Dick into the ring struggling a little under his bulk. Dick continues to roll all the way to the corner and J.E commands the ref to count.








A frustrated J.E runs from the corner NAILING Flehr with a Stinger Splash. Flehr is still up, J.E. attempts a second. CRASH!!!!!!!
Banter: WHOAHHHHH!!!

J.E: What the???



Dick Flehr NAILS a charging J.E. with the remnants of his ice cream cone. J.E. is trying to get Ice cream out of his eyes but Flehr does not let up, attacking with WHEEEE chops.







J.E cuts off the attack with a kick to the gut that doubles Flehr over.

I.C: It looks like Flehr is going for his finisher and.........

Banter: WAIT WAIT!

I.C: What?

Banter: J.E. has a finisher?

Tex: Of COURSE he has a finisher!

Banter: O Rly

I.C: Yes it's called the.....(checks notes)

Tex: It's a HELL of a move.

Banter: Oh I'm sure.

I.C: J.E. bomb it's a DEVESTATING powerbomb.

Banter: Have you ever seen it?

Banter: So how do you know it exist?

J.E lifts Flehr up for the J.E bomb but his dead weight is giving him some balance issues causing him to stumble back.

Tex: We're about to see it NOW!

J.E catches his balance

Banter: Oh NO we won't

J.E steps on a puddle of melted ice cream and falls backwards hitting the back of his head against the turnbuckle he exposed earlier in the match. To make matters worse Dick Flehr falls on him driving his head into the post for a second time. Flehr rolls off and the ref begins his count.













Jess splashes J.E with water and he comes to and knocks out the referee, Flehr is oblivious and still strutting. Jess whispers to J.E and he smiles. J.E rolls up Flehr and Jess grabs the refs arm.




And with that J.E points to his head and rolls out of the ring and makes his way up to the ramp pointing at his head the entire time.

Banter: WAIT I get it. Ms. Stern said that if he pins Flehr he could get an Aftershock title, it wasn't in a win but maybe J.E thinks he found a loophole.

Tex: We'll have more after this.


Johnson: No problem sir.

Johnson looks over his shoulder at the pile of toilets some chipped some brown some flat like Japanese toilets, he had 1000 toilets, but he didn't have 1000 GOOD toilets.

Johnson: What am I going to do?

You shopped Johnson. But did you shop smart?

Johnson: What could I DO? I needed 1000 toilets in one day but I PAID enough for 20,000 and they're SUCH low quality.

Did you shop S-Mart?

Johnson slaps himself in the head.

Johnson: NO, I shopped at Big Docks. That was a BIG mis.....

Why don't you call S-Mart now?

Johnson: I can't I already spent SO much that there is no WAY I can afford S-Mart quality.

But at S-Mart you get the HIGHEST quality for the LOWEST price

Johnson: Are you sure? *toilet falls over and shatters* I've been fooled before.

You've got nothing to lose except for your job.


"Good work Johnson, you really saved the company, you REALLY shopped smart."

Johnson: No sir I shopped S-Mart.

Bryan Nailz Vs GQ

Eubanks: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! If Bryan Nails wins the following contest, Mutaaz Tareef will acquire the services of Ghetto Grass! But, if Gabriel Quagmire wins, Mutaaz Tareef must take on Ghetto Grass in a gauntlet match at Retribution!

Banter: That's a lot of stipulations for two jabronis.

Tex: Will you stop!

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real...

The Nine Inch Nails classic "Hurt" plays over the loudspeakers as Bryan Nails makes his way to the ring with Hammer behind him slapping him on the shoulders and pumping him up like any good cornerman would. Behind Hammer is Yasmin, who is wearing her now customary dog leash.

Eubanks: Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Mutaaz Tareef and Yasmin... weighing in at 215 pounds and making his TCW television debut...BRYAN NAILS!

IC: Hammer has a lot of hope in this youngster tonight, I remember when a man by the name of Nailz accompanied Hammer to the ring early in his career. Talk about irony.

Tex: Talk about lots of pressure for Bryan Nails, coming out here for his first televised match in front of tens of thousands of people. He's gotta be feeling goosebumps like crazy right now.

Banter: I disagree, Tex. Mr. Tareef has been working with young Bryan Nails all week improving his game and getting him ready for this match. He may feel a little nervous in front of this crowd, but he's got a great man in his corner telling him what to do.

Tex: A great man?

Banter: Did I stutter?

Tex: Would a great man drag an innocent young girl down to the ring with a dog leash?

Banter: Why not?

Bryan attempts to do some gesturing towards the crowd, but since he's never been heard of before it gets him nowhere. Hammer decides to grab the microphone and bail him out.

Hammer: You people ought to show this kid respect! Believe me, I know true talent when I see it, and Bryan Nails has my stamp of approval!

The fans boo Hammer like the insensitive bastards they are.

Tex: Isaiah, what the hell is Bryan Nails wearing?

IC: Well Tex, my sources tell me that he comes from a very poor background, and he actually borrowed those...from his little sister.

Tex: His little sister?

IC: That's what I was told!

Banter: Come on now, I've seen that kind of attire for sale before at clothing stores!

Tex: What were you doing at a Baby Gap?

The intro to Coheed and Cambria's "TIme Consumer" starts to play and the arena is filled with a nasty smoke that smells like pot, but it's not.

The young stale memories of play the role to your part
Librarian find me the pole the one that kicks your head in
With my own time role your own innocence by

Eubanks: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Ghetto Grass and making his TCW debut...GABRIEL QUAGMIRE!

Out walks Ghetto Grass! Actually, scratch that, they're nowhere to be seen for 30 seconds while the music continues playing.

Banter: Where are they?

IC: I have no idea...usually Ghetto Grass wastes no time in getting down to the ring.

Banter: Are they afraid of the Hammer & Bryan Nails?

Tex: I seriously doubt that!

All of a sudden the music stops and the TwistedTron (or whatever the hell you guys call it) shows Big Nose Kate backstage with Ghetto Grass, who are circled around...well, something, we can't tell what quite yet.

IC: Kate, what's going on back there?

Kate: Let me see if I can get in here a minute *she peeks over their circle* Good God, it's a dead body!


Kate: Well, it looks dead from this vantage point. Ghetto Fire, what happened here?

Ghetto Fire: We don't know...GQ left our locker room to go use the restroom, all of a sudden we heard these loud screams...we left to check out what the deal was, and we found this.

Kate: So is he going to be able to wrestle?

Alexxx: What do you think?

Hammer grabs the microphone from the ring announcer one more time...

Hammer: Hey now, Kate is asking a very good question here. See, there was a match offficially scheduled right now with my boy Bryan Nails taking on that guy! And if that guy can't make it down to the ring...then he forfeits!

All of Ghetto Grass, Tex, IC & most of the crowd: WHAT?

Hammer: That's right! Of course, if you don't wanna forfeit...Referee, count that man out!

Tex: Oh this is sickening!

Referee William Freeman starts doing just that...


IC: You gotta be kidding me!


Backstage we see Ghetto Grass with a look of sadness and disgust on their faces.


The camera pans to the right, where Muhammad Jabbar is seen trying to hide behind the corner


Tex: How sick is this man? Hammer should be ashamed of himself!

Banter: Why?


Yasmin stands in the corner crying while Hammer yanks on her leash


Tex: Do I even need to explain this?


Banter: Yes, I think you do! Mr. Tareef just wants his boy to have his match!


IC: This might be the least deserved victory in TCW history!


Banter: Sure, that's easy for you to say, this is TCW's third show!



Garbage is thrown into the ring as the referee and Hammer raise the hands of Bryan Nails. For his part, Bryan seems somewhat perplexed, but hey, a win's a win, right?

Eubanks: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner...Bryan Nails.

IC: These fans are irate!

Tex: This is a new low, even for Hammer! And now Ghetto Grass works for him? What the hell does that mean?

Banter: I have no idea, but I do know that I am hungry.

Tex: BY GAWD have you no compassion man?

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:47 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
Acolyte Vs Father Savage

Sammy Eubanks: "Ladies and Gentlemen the following match is scheduled for ONE FALL with a 20 minute time limit. Introducing first from Hell's Kitchen, New York a member of the New Hellfire Club"


Banter: "Man these fans are mindless shills, the guy just joined up with Dante and Darkness but he's still the same prick they booed the week before that"

Tex: "Give me a break will you?"

Sammy Eubanks: "weighing in at 278 pounds here is THEEEEEEE ACOLYTE!!!"

The Acolyte steps through the curtains and heads down the aisle as "The Trooper" blares over the speakers. Each step he takes leaves a wet footprint behind and the big man is soaked through to the skin looking like he just crawled up out of the water less than 20 minutes ago.

Tex: "Erm"

Banter: "What the?"

Cain: "Didn't you guys hear? Neither the Acolyte nor Father Savage was on the boat when we docked in the harbour - some people thought they had stayed behind but they fell overboard during the trip."

Banter: "Well I always thought that the Acolyte was a bit of a drip"

Tex & Cain: *groan* :roll:

The Acolyte stops at ringside, then he shakes his body like a dog sending water flying everywhere as he tries to dry off a bit before the match.

Sammy Eubanks: "And his opponent"

Father Savage: "Testify, testify, TESTIFY!!"

Tex: "Oh brother who gave him the microphone?"

Father Savage walks out, looking pretty dry but with a towel wrapped around his neck and his hair still looking a bit damp. What's not damp however is Father Savage's spirit, especially not as he shows off his lovely nuns to the crowd


Father Savage: "Bite your heathen, fornicating tongues these are the lords ladies! REPENT!! Thank you girls, you may go now."

The nuns quickly scurry off after kissing Father Savage on the cheek one by one. Once they're gone Father Savage pulls out a pack of cigarettes, a soggy water logged pack of cigarettes. With an annoyed flick he throws the pack away and then pulls out his hip flask to take a drink from it


Tex: "Maybe it had seawater in it"

Father Savage smells the content of the bottle, then pours it out before putting the flask back inside his jacket. After two disappointments he turns his attention towards Acolyte as he heads for the ring.

Father Savage: "And the good book says "Yeah through I swim through the shadow valley of sharks I shall come to now harm because I fight in HIS name and for HIS glory forever and ever, amen"

Father Savage stops on the apron and raises the bible in the air as he yells for people to repent before stepping inside the ring. The Acolyte approaches Father Savage and motions for Savage to bring the microphone closer.

Acolyte: "It says so in the bible?"

Father Savage: "Oh yes Ass-is-tight"

Acolyte: "Show me!"

Father Savage looks at Acolyte for a moment to see if he's serious or not, then he opens the bible, flips through it and points to a passage in the book.

Father Savage: "Right the-"

But he never gets to say "there" before the Acolyte slams the Bible shut around Father Savage's hand and then blasts the pious padre with a Lariat so stiff that it could star in it's own series of porn movies.



Banter: "See if Father Savage had done that they'd all be boing"

Cain: "Banter, Banter, Banter you expect logic in wrestling? There is no logic in wrestling"

Tex: "Or crying, not even if you're Vince McMahon"

Father Savage is a tough (and drunk) bastard who quickly shakes off the surprise attack and and runs right at Acolyte driving his shoulder into the Acolyte's midsection pushing both of them up against the turnbuckles as the fists start flailing from both competitors.


Acolyte lets forearm after forearm rain down over Father Savage's back with hollow thuds each time he makes contact with Father Savage's ribcage or spine, the "holy" father doesn't seem too deterred by the blows as he keeps swinging his taped fists at Acolyte's mid-section nailing the big man in the short ribs and the kidneys as he has Acolyte trapped in the corner.

Banter: "Hold up, hold up! How can they start the match without a referee in the ring? I mean yeah they're usually in the way and all but you've got to have one to raise your hand in the air right?"

Tex: "*clears throat* I hate to say this but you're wrong"

Banter: "WRONG? I'm never wrong damn it!"

Cain: "Well this time you may just be - there is a referee in the ring, look through Acolyte and Father Savage's legs you'll see Richard Mulligan is actually in the ring"

And he's quite right there is a diminutive referee who's trying to force his way in between Acolyte and Father Savage to separate the two as they fight

Banter: "You mean to tell me they've hired a midget?"

Cain: "Well yes he is . . . erm below average height but so what? He's still supposed to be a good referee"

Banter Shark just shakes his head as the diminutive referee tries his best to separate the two brawlers, only to come up short (no pun intended) and has to resort to a count instead



Father Savage tries to back off but Acolyte has Savege's arm trapped under his. Trying his best to look innocent, making it look like Father Savage is the one not letting go, sticking it to his opponent.



Lead on by the chant Little Dick Soapdish quickly scurries around to the other side to catch Acolyte with Father Savage's arm trapped which leads to him threatening to disqualify Acolyte if he doesn't let go right this instance.

Banter: "See? Boo him"

Tex: "Oh come on so it's one little infraction!"

Cain: "So it's okay to cheat if you don't cheat that much?"

Banter: "No, no, no it's okay to cheat until you get caught Isaiah! I've always maintained that"

The referee draws Acolyte's attention as he turns and looks at the short guy with a "what the hell do you want?" kinda look on his face, a look that an elbow from Father Savage quick erases, followed by a second one and then a third one that almost erases Acolyte's nose from his face. Father Savage grabs Acolyte by the wrist and tries to whip the big man into the corner but Acolyte quickly turns it around by reversing it and attempting to whip Father Savage across instead only to find his efforts thwarted by the Christian Crusader as he pulls the big man off balance and sends him into the turnbuckle behind him

Tex: "HOLY SHIT HE HIT THE. . . oh wait no he didn't, the referee went between Acolyte's legs."

Banter: "You know it's not often that it comes in handy being so damn short but it saved Little Dick's bacon"

Cain: "Little Dick?"

Banter. "He's short. . . and his name is Richard, do the math"

Acolyte doesn't even get a second to think before Father Savage slams the big man to the ground with body and then follows up by putting Acolyte in a vice like headlock to keep the big man on the ground.

Tex: "A bit of ground work tonight, not something we usually see from Father Savage"

Cain: "He's playing it very smart here, he's not letting Acolyte get a chance to breathe and he's not taking the huge risks with his moves - it's smart, high impact wrestling and it's wearing Acolyte down!"

Father Savage grabs Acolyte by the shirt and hair and drags/throws him into the corner, then he drapes one of Acolyte's arms over the top rope to give him a clear shot for a stiff, well placed.



Cain: "You know I don't think the Puerto Ricans quite get it"



Banter: "Hey that's closer"



Tex: "By George I think they got it!"

Father Savage speeds up his chops and lets a series of lighting fast knife edges rain down on Acolyte's chest and the side of his neck


Each of the chops doesn't have the impact of a slow, much more deliberate, deep impact chop but the speed of which they follow each other and the number of chops more than makes up for it as Father Savage goes chop crazy in the corner


After an undisclosed number of short, sharp chops to the chest Father Savage whips the Acolyte towards the opposite corner, sending the big man crashing chest first into the turnbuckles. When Acolyte staggers backwards Father Savage swiftly wraps his arms around Acolyte's waist and suplexs the big man up and over underscoring the fact that Father Savage is in control now.


Father Savage drags the Acolyte up onto his feet again and places his opponent's head between his own legs. When Savage tries to raise the Acolyte up for the Crucifix Power bomb he ends up short, 278 pounds is just TOO much to handle, especially after they just swam to Puerto Rico.

Tex: "That's not going to get it"

Banter: "Oh ye of little faith"

Father Savage tries again but once again he's unable to lift the big man up, instead the Acolyte stands up straight back dropping Father Savage. The Acolyte swiftly knocks Father Savage off his feet with a running clothesline and then another one the moment Father Savage stands up once more. The Acolyte begins to jog in place, shaking the ropes as he draws in his power, making his muscles buldge, his veins pop and the audience do the same


Tex: "Oh he's going into a frenzy, I don't think Father Savage can stop him now"

Cain: "You know that looks familiar, he wouldn't be stealing this from someone now would he?"

Tex & Banter: "Shut up nerdboy!" :cuss:

Father Savage knows he's in trouble, Acolyte is drawing power and is growing stronger with each shake of the ropes. In desperation he does the only thing he can really think of right now

Well outside of how he's dying for a smoke


Which gets the Acolyte's attention as he quickly whips around with his hands up ready to defend against the eight tentacled monster. Only problem is that Octopi do not carry money and thus can't buy tickets and thus can't enter the arena during a show. Something the Acolyte doesn't realize until AFTER Father Savage has clipped the man in white's leg, rolled him up and placed a foot on the ropes


Tex: "Foot on the rope!""


Banter: "He's too short to see it"


Tex: "Damn it no more midget referees!!"


Father Savage quickly rolls out of the ring, grabs his bible and heads to the back before the Acolyte can figure out what exactly happened.

Sammy Eubanks: The winner of the match - FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATHER SAVAGE!!!

Cain: "He stole that one!!"

Banter: "Don't be ridiculous he's a religious man, they don't steal"

Tex: "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight"

Come in to Taco Bell now, where our new dollar menu selections will have you saying:

"I'm full!" shouts a man, standing on top of the Grand Canyon, holding a burrito.

The new Taco Bell Dollar Menu! With a selection of a half-pound bean burrito, two tacos, a spicy chicken chalupa, and dozens of other choices, it will make you remember what it's like to be full!

"I'm full!" cries a woman, standing atop Mount Everest, holding a taco in each hand.

We now cut to the inside of Madison Square Garden - "Titan" Todd stands in the middle of the ring, a chalupa in one hand and a microphone in the other. Being cheered on by thousands and thousands of fans, he leaps atop a turnbuckle and shouts


"You're not full," HighOne says as he yanks Todd off the turnbuckle, "until you've had one of these! The New BurriTaco Infinito! It's a one-pound Burrito that's inside a taco, for only a dollar! What will they think of next?"

HighOne turns to "Titan" Todd, who is attempting to crawl away - in a split second, HighOne grabs the microphone and clobbers him on the back of the head!

"Now open wide!"






HighOne releases Todd, whose head drops to the mat.

"Looks like he's full," HighOnesays with a chuckle, and he begins to walk away as paramedics rush to the scene. They administer CPR, and a few moments later, "Titan" Todd coughs up bits of taco shell and begins to breathe again.

"You asshole!" he shouts, pointing at HighOne. "You almost killed me, you crazy bastard! I'm not going to take this kind of abuse anymore! I'm getting a restraining order! I'm-"

HighOne pivots around, wielding two more BurriTaco's, and we fade to black, with the anguished screaming of "Titan" Todd bringing us to the end of this advertisement.

Taco Bell - Think Outside The Bun

"Full yet?!"

"Get away from me, you freak!"

Mac Avoy Vs Supreme

The opening bell rings for our next match. The arena lights turn off. A moment later, the sound of a gunshot, accompanied by a blinding flash of light, shows Supreme standing in the entrance. The opening instrumental solo from "Remember the Name" plays and strobe lights flash.

"This is 10 percent luck
20 percent skill
15 percent concentrated power of will
5 percent pleasure
50 percent pain
and a 100 percent reason to remember the name..."

Supreme walks down to the ring, accompanied by the thumping bass of Fort Minor and the blinding flash of the strobe lights. He steps over the top rope as the chorus kicks in again:

"This is 10 percent luck
20 percent skill
15 percent concentrated power of will
5 percent pleasure
50 percent pain
and a 100 percent reason to remember the name..."

As the chorus ends, there is another sound of a gunshot and a blinding flash of light. Supreme stands in the center of the ring and waits for the match to begin.

Announcer: The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first, already in the ring...Anthony "Supreme" LUPELLI!!!!!

The lights come back up as "One By One" by the Foo Fighters blares at the crowd, who takes on a strong negative tone. It takes a few moments, but Mac Avoy finally emerges, already seeming to be in a fighting mood. He glances at the crowd contemptuously but otherwise pays them no mind as he heads straight for the ring.

Announcer: And their opponent, from San Francisco, California, MAC AVOY!!!

Mac steps through the ropes and pulls off his hoodie as his adversary sizes him up.

Tex: Well, we're about ready to get things underway here!

Banter: So, like, are you talking to the people listening on the radio or something?

The bell rings and the two competitors begin circling each other. Mac stops, stands upright, and smiles. Supreme looks at him, slightly perplexed. Mac turns toward the entrance ramp and motions for someone to enter. A spotlight shines on the curtain as Breed appears to thundering boos. Lupelli watches Breed enter, his hands on his hips, visibly upset. Mac takes this opportunity to land a forearm to the side of Supreme's head, sending him toward the corner. Mac lands a few more punches as Breed now stands at ringside. Angry, Supreme picks up Mac and throws him into the corner, landing a few punches of his own.

Cain: Breed's presence has already affected this match. Mac with a few cheap shots to begin, but now he's paying for it!

Tex: Breed was kidnapped this week by Mac...I wonder what he's doing down here now.

Supreme whips Mac to the opposite corner and Mac falls forward after hitting the buckle hard. Supreme quickly moves in and drops an elbow to Mac's shoulders. Supreme drops another elbow and then locks on a rear choke. Mac flails his arms as the ref counts. Supreme breaks the hold for a moment, and then locks it back in. Breed begins to move around the ring. Supreme breaks the hold again and stands to the side for a moment while the ref first warns him and then checks on Mac. While the ref's back is turned, Breed reaches through the ropes and chop blocks Supreme's knee, sending him to a kneeling position. Supreme looks back toward Breed for a moment as he nurses his knee.

Tex: Well, that's an interesting development. Mac has somehow convinced Breed to help him!

Banter: Well, Breed isn't the brightest crayon in the box...Mac can lead him by the nose and he won't care. Crafty veteran, that one. He's his father's son!

Mac pulls himself up by the ropes and Supreme gets back to a standing position. The two trade blows and Mac is taken down by a harsh clothesline. Supreme drops a leg across his neck and goes for a pin...


is all he can get as Mac easily gets a shoulder up. Supreme rises to his feet and delivers a few stomps to Mac's shoulders and neck.

Tex: Mac's gonna have a headache tomorrow!

Supreme pulls Mac back to his feet and tries to whip him to the ropes. Mac reverses, Supreme bounces off, and as Supreme returns Mac pulls down the top rope, sending Supreme over and to the floor.

Tex: Uh oh...Breed is right there.

Mac wobbles to his feet and the ref warns him. Mac begins to argue with him and gets him to turn his back as Breed moves in again. Breed lands some punches to Supreme's temples and slams his head against the ringpost. Supreme stumbles around outside as Breed stalks him. Mac continues to argue with the ref as Breed whips Supreme into the steps.

Cain: Whoa! Breed is really punishing Supreme!

Mac slides outside the ring and signals to Breed to step back as he takes over. Breed stands silently by the ramp as Mac slams Supreme's head against the already upheaved steps. Mac pulls Supreme to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. Breed steps forward, but Mac stops him and mouths the words, "Stay here." Mac rolls back in and delivers a quick axe handle to Supreme's back. Mac stomps Supreme's back a few times and looks back to make sure that Breed hasn't moved...and he hasn't. Mac bounces off the ropes and falls to deliver a headbutt to the small of Supreme's back. Supreme's hand instinctively goes to the injured location, and Mac delivers a second.

Tex: Looks like Mac is focusing on Supreme's back.

Banter: It'll be hard for Supreme to do his "I'm taller than you" schtick. Mac's awesome. And I'm talking "Icon caliber awesome."

Tex: Come on...he wasn't in ECF for THAT long.

Banter: Doesn't matter. He's an icon.

Tex: Really? What titles has he held?

Banter: ....Shut up. Icon.

Tex: But-

Banter: ICON.

Cain: Mac has really been punishing Supreme's lower back for a while now!

Growing confident, Mac squats over Supreme, lifts his legs and locks on a Boston crab. Supreme howls in pain as Mac adds pressure. The ref checks on Supreme, who vigorously shakes his head no as he tries in vain to reach for the ropes.

Meanwhile, the crowd begins looking toward the entrance once again.

Tex: What's going on?

Valentina walks cautiously toward the ring, eyeing Breed. She steps around in front of him. Breed doesn't even flinch until she begins talking to him.

Banter: What's she doing?

Breed takes a step toward Valentina. Valentina gestures to follow her, and he seems compliant. They begin walking up the ramp together, Valentina a few feet in front of Breed, who obediently follows.

Mac glances over and sees what is happening. He breaks his hold on Supreme and stands at the ropes, yelling at Valentina to bring Breed back. The two finally disappear through the curtain and Mac kicks the bottom rope. He turns back to Supreme, who is still recovering on the mat.

Mac drops a forearm and pulls Supreme to his feet, whipping him to the ropes and delivering a shoulderblock. Supreme goes down easily. One standing senton later, Mac goes for the cover...



Supreme gets a shoulder up. Mac delivers a few more punches before pulling him back up and sending him to the corner. Supreme clutches his back again. Mac kicks Supreme's midsection, doubling Supreme over and setting up the Twist of Fate, which Mac connects. Mac goes for another pin...



3-NO! Supreme gets a shoulder up in the nick of time. Mac slaps the canvas and yells at the ref. He punches Supreme a few more times before climbing to the outside.

Cain: Mac is going high-risk now!

Banter: This should do it!

Mac stands on the top facing the crowd before flipping backwards. Supreme rolls toward the corner and Mac lands face-first on the canvas. Mac clutches his torso in pain. The ref begins his countout as both men are down...




Mac sits in the corner trying to get to his bearings.



Supreme pulls himself to a sitting position in the opposite corner.



Mac is the first to his feet. Supreme is at one knee. Mac rushes at Supreme, who dodges, sending Mac into the corner chest first. Mac turns and is met with a spinebuster.

Cain: Supreme doesn't have the energy to follow up and cover!

Banter: He wouldn't win anyway!

Supreme goes on the offensive now, stomping Mac a few times before pulling him to his feet. Supreme delivers a double underhook suplex and goes for a pin...



3-NO ONCE AGAIN!!! Supreme pulls Mac back up and tries for Snake Eyes, but his back gives out and he drops him. Supreme leans against the ropes as Mac recovers on the mat.

Banter: See? Mac's done this right! A true icon!

Tex: But what titles-

Banter: ICON!!

Mac pulls Supreme to the center of the ring and hits a fisherman's suplex into a pin...



Supreme is able to kick out, though is still visibly hurting. Growing more frustrated, Mac whips Supreme to the ropes, but is met with a big boot to the face. Mac stumbles back to the ropes and Supreme scoops him up, hitting a tombstone piledriver.

Tex: That could be it!

Eager to have this over, Supreme covers...




The bell rings.

Announcer: Here is your winner...ANTHONY "SUPREME" LUPELLI!!!

Supreme rolls out of the ring. The ref follows to raise his hand as Mac stares at the lights, wondering what went wrong.

All of a sudden, a waiter walks out with one of those trays with a lid you see at the fancy restaurants.

Banter: All right, finally my food has arrived!

Tex: Why couldn't you just eat before the show with me and Isaiah?

Banter: I spend enough time with you idiots as it is.

Banter takes the lid off the plate to reveal...

IC: Dear God, that's GQ's head!


Banter: Damn it, that's not what I ordered at all! Waiter, bring me my actual meal!

IC: Banter, that's a human head on your plate. Why are you not going insane?

Banter: Meh, when I was in college we pulled this trick on people all the time. Kinda got old.

Tex: You sick freak!

IC: Fans, I apologize for this sickening display, we'll be right back with actual wrestling.

Banter: Hey, I think it just blinked at me.

Jack Frost & Kojack Vs Obsidian & Ron the Obese Lawn Gnome

Sammy Eubanks: "The following tag match is scheduled for one fall!"

Tex: "This should be-- interesting to say the least."

Banter: "I'm hoping for hilarious!"

IC: "We've got an established tag team facing off against about as unorthodox of a duo as you can get."

Eubanks: "Making their way to the ring first with a combined weight of --uh-- a few hundred pounds--"

Banter: "Hilarious!"


The lights go out in the arena. Piston's "Grey Flap" begins playing:
"Time never was as they are for me
I'm happiest in a world full of error
Time breaks my heart changed my soul again
this time my friend"

A huge explosion of blue pyro comes from the entrance and Obsidian runs out, followed by the much slower Ron. The lights turn back on and swirling blue spotlights flash all over the arena. Obsidian and Ron stand at the entrance for a moment, working the crowd; his pet raven, Buddha, perched on his shoulder.

"Excuse me if I'm wrong
but I need some encouraging
thank you for being so bold
So catch me when I fall
see I need your touch beside me
thank you for being so bold"

Obsidian rushes down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. He leaps onto the nearest turnbuckle and works the crowd some as Buddha flies around the ring in circles. Ron waddles down as fast as his tiny legs can carry him and struggles to make it under the ropes. Finally, he succeeds and the duo stand mightily in the center of the ring, basking in the admiration of the masses. Well, adoration with just a hint of utter confusion at a ninja and a lawn gnome being tag partners.

Banter: "This is going to be great!"

Eubanks: "And their opponents! Entering together, they are the tag team known as BLITZKGRIEEEEG! JAAAAAACK FROOOOOST AND KOOOOOJAAAACK!!"

The arena fills with the the Canadian national anthem. A shot of red pyro shoots into a sky, followed by a white shot and another red one. Kojack walks out, flanked by his partner Jack Frost. The duo walk down to the ring and slide into it, doing a little hop when they stands up. The duo raise their arms to the crowd and then simultaneously turn on their opponents.

Tex: "Blitzkrieg is not waiting for the bell! They're starting this thing NOW!"

Banter: "The sooner the better! I can't wait to watch Ron wrestle!"

IC: "Kojack uses a textbook armdrag to take Obsidian to the mat, but Jack Frost is finding a similar tactic against Ron!"

Tis true. Being so close to the ground and heavy, it's actually pretty hard to do an armdrag against a lawn gnome. Words to live by. The referee finally ordres Ron and Jack Frost to their perspective corners and Obsidian and Kojack become the official wrestlers in the match.

Tex: "The referee has regained control here. Obsidian is looking a little rusty to start off."

IC: "Well, he hasn't wrestled in quite some time. Kojack has been at the top of his game for quite awhile. It'll be interesting to see if Ron and Obsidian can hold their own against an experienced team like Blitzkrieg."

Kojack pulls Obsidian to his feet and whips him into the ropes. He catches him on the way back and launches him across the ring with a release belly-to-belly suplex. Kojack capitalizes and delivers a falling dropkick to the fallen ninja's head.

Banter: "Further proof that Canadians are greater than ninjas!"

Once again, Kojack pulls Obsidian to his feet and goes for another whip, but Obsidian counters, pulling the larger man closer and leaping into the air, catching him around the head with a jump-swinging DDT. Both men fall down and roll to their corners. Kojack tags in Jack Frost, who wastes no time in leaping into action. Obsidian doesn't have as much luck. It's a lot further to reach when your partner has the arm length of a lawn ornament.

Tex: "Obsidian's going to have a hard time making the tag unless he can do it quicker!"

Frost delivers a fireman's carry, taking Obsidian back down to the mat. He locks on a quick Boston crab submission.

IC: "Obsidian's already in a world of trouble! He needs help!"

Banter: "Oh! Here it comes!"

Like a cat, Ron leaps over all of the ropes and rushes across the ring, freeing his partner from the submission hold. Well, that's what I'd say if Ron could run-- or leap-- or was anything like a cat, other than his size. As it was, Ron was stuck between the bottom and second rope, struggling to free himself.

Tex: "Is this not the darkest day in the history of professional wrestling?"

IC: "You weren't here for most of Madman's matches."

Banter: "Look! He's gotten free from the ropes! Obsidian is saved!"

Ron hurries toward his partner as fast as his little gnome legs will take him.

-------- Three hours later, Ron finally reaches them and kicks Frost in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him.

IC: "In what might be a wrestling record, Jack Frost has applied a three hour submission!"

Banter: "This night just gets better and better!"

Frost scrambles to his feet and dives at Ron, knocking him down. He goes for a leg lock, but his legs are too short. An arm lock proves just as futile. Frost shrugs and just starts kicking the ever-loving crap out of him.

Tex: "Frost is a great technician in the ring, but his opponent is so utterly bizarre that submissions just might prove impossible!"

Banter: "Wait, isn't Obsidian still the legal man?"

Tex: "--Just go with it, Banter."

Frost continues to lay the boots into Ron, finally pulling him toward his corner and giving the tag to the refreshed Kojack.

IC: "Blitzkrieg is working well! I can't say the same for Obsidian and Ron..."

Kojack and Frost heave Ron's girth into the air with a double suplex. The little gnome-- little, but damn fat-- smashes hard into the mat. Kojack moves toward him and suddenly slips. He looks down at his feet and looks utterly disgusted, looking into the sky.

Banter: "Brilliant! Obsidian used Buddha poo to make Kojack fall!"

Kojack shakes his foot clean and grabs Ron, pulling him to his feet. He points up at the sky, causing the little gnome to look up. A swift kick later, the gnome is rolling on the ground, clutching his lawn ornaments.

IC: "What a cheap shot by the Aftershock Champ!"

Banter: "FIVE STARS!! HAHA!!"

Kojack rushes to the ropes and leaps off with a moonsault, slamming down on the portly gnome. He goes for the cover:




Tex: "Ron kicked out! He kicked out! It's a whole new ballgame! He's got a second wind!"

Kojack frowns and covers again:




IC: "Obsidian saved his partner!"

Obsidian yanks Ron through the ropes and to the outside. They both move to their corner and Ron slides in long enough to make the tag and then slides right back out. Obsidian moves toward Kojack. The larger man delivers a right jab, attempting to follow up with a left hook, but Obsidian blocks it, dropping down with a swift leg drag that takes the Aftershock champion to the mat. Moving swiftly, Obsidian pulls him back up and begins unleashing a vicious series of punches, nerve strikes and kicks that drive Kojack back.

IC: "He calls that The Fury of the Elders!"

Banter: "I call it boring! Where's Ron?"

Obsidian finally lessens his assault, watching as Kojack wobbles in place, dazed and hurting. The ninja grips his arm and goes for a whip, but he fails to notice Kojack's hand snaking out and tagging the outstretched hand of his partner.

Tex: "Obsidian didn't see Kojack make the tag!"

Obsidian whips Kojack, catching him on the way back with a hurricanrana.

Tex: "Great move, but it's against the wrong person!"

Obsidian drops down to make the tag, but is struck violently from behind by Jack Frost. Obsidian drops down to a knee and Frost latches his arms around his waist from behind. With an impressive display of strength, Frost launches Obsidian over his head with a release German suplex. Obsidian crashes to the mat and Frost moves in, pulling him to his feet and whipping him into the ropes.

Banter: "There's certainly a lot of whipping in this match..."

With expert precision, Frost drops Obsidian with a superkick. He drops down and covers:

Tex: "It's over!"



Banter: "Wait! Ron's coming in for another save!!"

-----------Three hours later--


Banter: "--or not."

IC: "Blitzkrieg certainly faced some bizarre competition, but they also made a statement. They absolutely crushed their opponents tonight!"

The referee holds Jack Frost and Kojacks hands in the air.


The camera goes backstage to a room where two men are standing, one is wearing a dress shirt and a pair of brown slacks, the other one is wearing a long black trench coat, black shirt and black slacks. The camera stops on both of them ass fans who recognize them start to cheer the shorter guy (the one wearing the brown slacks) starts to speak.

"My name is Jason Lee and this man standing next to me is Nobu Nanahara and if you don't know who he is, trust me you will in due time but it won't be as Nobu no, it'll be the Japanese word for death...Shi"

Shi says nothing at all, as the words <i>coming soon</i> appear on the bottom, the camera slowly away and the door closes in front of it.

David Hardy Vs Drakus

he bell rings as the arena lights cut out. As the opening notes of "Kerosene" play, a few red lights illuminate the arena. On the tron, black-and-white images of rural squalor flash -- boarded-up storefronts, rusted cars on garbage-littered front lawns, old bums in stained shirts on their porches drinking malt liquor from bags, bloated dead animals on the side of the road.

"I was born in this town, lived here my whole life.
Probably come to die in this town, lived here my whole life.
Never anything to do in this town, lived here my whole life.
Never anything to do in this town, lived here my whole life.
Probably learn to die in this town, lived here my whole life."

The images continue, becoming a series of shots of one run-down house with peeling paint in the middle of a vast, empty expanse. Shots of the inside show piles of disintegrating old magazines, cigarette-burned carpet, an ancient TV with a cracked screen and piles of moldy dishes in a disgusting, roach-infested kitchen.

"Probably come to die in this town, lived here my whole life.
There's kerosene around, something to do.
There's kerosene around, she's something to do.
There's kerosene around, she's something to do.
There's kerosene around, find something to do
There's kerosene around, she's something to do.
Kerosene around, SET ME ON FIRE!"

Suddenly the black-and-white image of the old house is obliterated by a burst of flame that becomes a wall of fire. In front of the entrance, pillars of flame shoot up from the ground. A large man, head draped in a ragged black cloth, emerges between the pillars of fire, grunting and snorting smoke.

"Set me on fire, kerosene.
Set me on fire, kerosene.

Climbing into the ring, Drakus removes the cloth from his head, streches both arms and unleashes a primal scream of rage.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall and is a cage match! Introducing first, already in the ring...DRAKUS!!!

The arena lights slowly fade to black. After several moments, the heavy opening chords to their hit' "Everlasting Gaze" play. Multicolored spotlights flash from the entrance throughout the arena in tune with the symbol taps. Suddenly a huge Y2J-esque explosion erupts at the top of the ramp as the music kicks up. The music blasts for several seconds as a cloud of smoke covers the entranceway. Billy Corgan proceeds to sing.

"You know I'm not dead
You know I'm you know I'm not dead
You know I'm not dead
You know I'm not dead...

Now you know where I've been
As you sleep shine I am..."

David Hardy finally steps through the curtain and onto the stage. He shakes his head, smirking cockily. He makes his way to each end of the stage, playing to the crowd. .


"Waiting down... patiently...
Born of love...
You know I'm, you know I'm not dead,
I'm just living in my head
Forever waiting
On the ways of your desire
You always find your way"

He makes a D-Generation X style crotch chop at the crowd causing a mixed response among smarks and marks alike. Stopping in the middle of the stage again, he hops a few times, loosening his joints before bounding down to the ring. With a smooth slide, he dives under the bottom rope to the middle of the ring. With a somersault, he springs to his feet and jumps onto the turnbuckles.

"And through it all, into us all you move
Forgotten touch, forbidden thought"

He stares out into the crowd, an emotionless glare drawn across his face. He nods slowly at whoever seems to appreciate his greatness. After a few moments of absorbing the crowd reaction, he raises his arms above his head in what could only be described as the Randy Orton post. Shortly afterwards, he steps to the very top rope and launches himself backwards. With a graceful backflip, he lands on his feet and bounces a few times.

"We can never, ever know
You know I'm not dead!"

After the ovation, Hardy shuffles over to his corner and rests against the turnbuckles. He opens and closes his injured hand and remains oblivious to everything until the rest of the match begins.

The bell rings as the door to the cage is closed. The two men circle one another, Hardy looking on with malice, Drakus wearing his usual calm demeanor.

Tex: Well ladies and gentlemen, if you've never seen a cage match before...

Banter:'ve been living under a rock.

Tex: ...if you've never seen a cage match before, the only ways you can win are by pinning your opponent, making him submit, or escaping the cage and touching the floor with both feet! This should be brutal. These guys HATE each other!

A smirk forming on his face, Drakus stops circling. He points to his chin, gesturing to Hardy to take a free shot. Hardy looks at Drakus warily, not wanting to fall into a trap. Hardy tries for a surprise spinning kick instead, but Drakus catches him at the ankle and sweeps his other leg out from under him.

Smiling, Drakus goes for a quick fistdrop, but Hardy brings up his other knee and lands it at Drakus' temple, stunning Drakus long enough to escape his predicament.

Hardy gets to his feet and goes for a front kick, this time connecting and sending Drakus to his back. Bouncing off the ropes, Hardy tries for a quick senton, but Drakus rolls out of the way. Hardy clutches his back as Drakus shakes the cobwebs.

Cain: Hardy went for a quick advantage after an initial miscalculation, but now it looks like Drakus has the advantage!

Banter: You won't take Drakus down that easily, Hardy. Sorry ‘bout your luck.

Drakus lands an elbowdrop and a few hard punches to Hardy's skull. He pulls Hardy to his feet and whips him hard into the cage. Hardy stumbles backwards and hits a belly-to-back, sending Hardy flying across the ring.

Banter: And now it's all Drakus.

Cain: Drakus taking on a punishing tone very early!

Drakus moves in on Hardy and lands some brutal stomps to his head, neck and back. He pulls Hardy to his feet and runs his head into the steel yet again, stepping back to observe Hardy crumple to the mat.

Tex: Hardy is in trouble!

Banter: He was when he was signed to this!

Drakus moves back in, pulling Hardy to his feet. He whips Hardy into the ropes and lands a big boot, sending Hardy back down. He goes for a cover...



Hardy gets a shoulder up.

Cain: Drakus wanted to end this one quick!

Banter: That's so unlike him.

Drakus lands a few more punches to Hardy's skull before standing over him. Drakus drops a leg across his throat and stands to watch him writhe in pain some more.

Hardy grasps for the ropes to go for a resting position, but Drakus is back on him, pulling him to his feet. Drakus whips Hardy to the ropes, misses a clothesline...and is met with a surprise moonsault off the ropes!

The crowd pops as both men crash to the mat.

Tex: Whoa! Where'd THAT come from?

Banter: The part of Hardy's brain that is stupid.

Drakus is the first to stir, but Hardy tries to shake off Drakus' previous attacks so that he can capitalize. Hardy gets to a sitting position against the ropes and Drakus steadies himself across the ring.

Drakus begins a slow charge toward Hardy, who grabs the top of his tights and pulls, sending Drakus headfirst into the cage. Drakus is down to a sitting position clutching his head as Hardy crawls to the corner to continue getting to his bearings.

Cain: A desperation move by Hardy!

Banter: Nah...he's just been hanging out with Infinity. That's called resourcefulness!

Hardy is now on his feet and lands a dropkick to Drakus' skull. Drakus falls all the way over as Hardy now takes the advantage, wildly punching Drakus wherever he can get a shot in.

Tex: And the frustration of the week starts coming out from Hardy!

Hardy quickly stands and runs to the ropes on the opposite side. At full speed, he lands a baseball slide, sandwiching Drakus' head between his boots and the cage. The crowd lets out a collective, "Oooh!"

Cain: Whoa! Hardy isn't playing games now!

Tex: I don't think he ever was!

Hardy pulls Drakus by his arm to mid-ring and covers...



Drakus gets his shoulder up. Wasting no time, Hardy pulls Drakus to his feet and whips him to the ropes. He tries for his own clothesline and misses. Drakus stops behind him and drops him with a neckbreaker. Both men rest on the mat.

Banter: You know Drakus had that planned a few minutes ago!

Tex: You mean while he was getting his head thrown against the cage?

Banter: Uh...yeah!

Hardy gets to his knees as Drakus is on all fours. Hardy hits a hard kick to Drakus' midsection, and Drakus rolls to his back. Sensing a good opportunity, Hardy leaps to the turnbuckle and tries for a splash. At the last second, Drakus moves out of the way and Hardy meets the canvas face-first.

Banter: He definitely had THAT one planned!

Using the ropes for leverage, Drakus gets to his feet. He moves toward Hardy, landing an axe-handle across Hardy's shoulders. Mercilessly, Drakus lands some punches to Hardy's skull before pulling him to his feet.

Drakus picks up Hardy as if he's about to land a backbreaker, but instead carries him toward the cage and rams his back against the steel...and again...and again...and one final time before dropping him with a fallaway slam. Drakus covers...



3-NO!! Hardy barely gets a shoulder up. Drakus pulls Hardy back to his feet and sends him flying back into the cage headfirst. Hardy stumbles backwards, and Drakus lands a stiff forearm to the back of his head, sending him to the mat.

Banter: You know how thankful Drakus probably is that he gets to use the cage? He looks like he's almost enjoying himself in there!

Drakus drags Hardy to the middle of the ring, where he locks on a camel clutch. Hardy is visibly crying out as the referee goes to check on him. Hardy shakes his hands wildly, signaling that he refuses to give up. Meanwhile, the sadistic grin returns to Drakus' face.

Tex: Hardy might give up here!

Cain: Drakus is almost bending him in half!

The ref continues to ask if Hardy wants to quit, but Hardy refuses. Drakus only sits back further, stretching him in the most painful way possible.

Tex: How much longer can Hardy hang on? The ref might call for the bell in an act of mercy!

Banter: What? It's a cage match, Tantrum! There's no such thing!

Hardy seems more adamant about not giving up. Now Drakus begins to yell as well. These are shouts of both enjoyment and rage, coming from the very base of his reptilian brain. Drakus' id begins to take over as he pours on the pain.

Cain: Drakus is getting more passionate here! He wants this victory!

Banter: No, I think he just wants to hurt Hardy!

Finally, Drakus just lets go. The crowd is a little stunned at this. Hardy lies almost lifeless on the mat as Drakus stands over him, silently, blankly.

Drakus turns Hardy over, a blank look still on his face. He regards him as if suddenly curious. Slowly, Drakus drops to his knees and covers...



3-NO!! Hardy barely gets a shoulder up! Drakus rises back to his knees, now a little confused. Confusion quickly turns to rage as he pulls Hardy to his feet and rams him back into the cage.

Drakus then whips Hardy into the ropes and nails a clothesline. Drakus drops an elbow and goes for another pin...



Hardy once again gets a shoulder up in the nick of time. Now fuming a little, Drakus pulls Hardy up and tries to whip him into the ropes. Hardy reverses, barely standing, and drop-toeholds Drakus into the cage. Both men lay on the mat once again.

Cain: Hardy may be mounting a comeback!

Banter: Some comeback.

Both men are in sitting positions once again. Hardy pulls himself up by the ropes, and then by the cage. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and lets out his own primal scream before leaping with all the strength that he can muster.

A moment later, he's flying across the ring, landing backfirst on Drakus' torso.

Cain: SINTON!! Hardy nailed the Sinton Bomb!!

Hardy cannot immediately capitalize, as he's still recovering from the camel clutch. Satisfied with what he's done to Drakus, he begins ascending the cage. The noise of the crowd begins to swell with anticipation.

Tex: Hardy might make it out!

Banter: Don't bet on it.

Drakus stirs on the mat. He shakes his head and looks around for Hardy. Drakus finally spots him on the side of the cage, and his eyes grow wide.

Drakus pulls himself to his feet and stumbles to the part of the cage that Hardy is climbing. He begins his own climb, reaching for Hardy. Drakus grabs his foot, but Hardy shakes it loose and climbs another foot.

Unfazed, Drakus continues his pursuit, grabbing for Hardy again. Hardy makes it to the top of the cage and straddles it. Drakus clutches Hardy's ankle, and Hardy tries to shake it loose again, this time to no avail.

Drakus straddles the cage with Hardy now, and the two sit across from each other, trading blows 15 feet above the ring. Drakus finally starts to get an advantage, and he grabs the back of Hardy's head with both hands and pulls it forward, connecting it with the top of the cage!

Stunned, Hardy leans back and tries to steady himself. However, the force of the blow is too much and he leans toward the ring, finally falling 15 feet into a heap on the canvas.

Drakus begins his descent on the outside. Hardy tries to muster whatever strength he has left to move toward the door. An official outside opens it for him.

Meanwhile, Drakus falls the last few feet and lands on the floor. The bell rings.

Announcer: Here is your winner...DRAKUS!!!

Tex: Well, ladies and gentlemen...Drakus wins in what is most likely a heartbreaking loss for Hardy. He fought well, though!

Hardy is escorted to the back as officials check on Drakus. The smile has begun to return to Drakus' face, even as he winces and clutches his ribs. He'll be feeling the Sinton for a while.

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:53 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
<center>Mastodont's "Cruiser, Destroyer" starts up

James Hawk

Frank Hayes Jr.

The Miracle Violence Combination


¤ Hawk and Hayes Jr. running to the ring and immediately starting to pummel Justice and Rule (PJW) ¤

"The honoring instinct of animal"

¤ Frank Hayes Jr. slamming Deacon Dark against the cage while James Hawk lariats Zombie (WWA) ¤


¤ Hawk applying a Boston Crab while Hayes Jr. applies a camel clutch on the Great TORU (PJW) ¤

"No blame on the red bull"

¤ Hawk giving the crowd the "Texas Longhorns" salute, covered in blood but holding the Real World Tag League 2004 Trophy high in the air ¤

"Throw fury at him"

¤ Lariat from James Hawk ¤

"Aim gorge and win"

¤ Shoulder tackle off the top rope by Frank Haynes Jr. ¤

"Less contenders on the way today"

¤ A quick succession of Frankie Hayes whipping guys towards James Hawk who hits them with a laiat ¤
¤ The Cyberpunks eats it ¤
¤ T.K.O. gets wiped out ¤
¤ Lost Paladins De Dio look at the lights afterwards ¤

"Let them pay"

¤ SUMO and Karushi being stretchered out of the ring after the Miracle Violence Combination won the Pro-Japan titles from them. ¤

"Nothing lost"

¤ Double power bomb on Franz (Catch Wrestling) ¤

"Nothing gained"

¤ Express Train from Hell taking down Justice and Rule for the MVC's 2nd PJW tag-team titles ¤


¤ Black screen just the sound of 95000 people in pyong-yang stadium cheering for the Miracle Violence Combination ¤


"Here lies the warning for matador"

¤ The Miracle Violence Combination in the ring, each holding four tag-team title belts as they wave for someone off screen to "come on" ¤


¤ Supreme Power Slam off the top rope to the FLOOR on Gravedigger (UK-Pro) ¤

"Blood running the dirt floor"

The Bald Bombers busted open after being Irish Whipped into the ring posts (Pan-Oriental) ¤

"Won't bleed by accident"

¤ Frankie Hayes, bloodied but triumphant raising the 2006 Real World Tag League trophy high in the air. ¤

"Burn your game plan"

2002 "Future Shock" Tag-Team tournament winners
Pro-Japan Wrestling World Tag-Team Champions (2)
Catch Wrestling League Tag-Team Champions
UK-Pro Wrestling Tag-Team Champions
Real World Tag League 2004 Winners
Pan-Oriental Wrestling Tag-Team Champions
Samurai Pro Tag-Team Champions
HI-YAH Tag-Team Champions
Campeon Mundial Tag-Team Champions
Unified European Tag-Team Champions
WWA Tag-Team Champions (2)
Real World Tag League 2006 Winners

The Miracle Violence Combination - Tag-Team Excellence
TCW August 2006</center>
"The Technician" DeSean Blackwell Vs Freya

The bell rings. The whole arena goes black for a few seconds, on the tron the words "The Technician" appear on screen. The lights begin to flash blue and gold back and forth, the beginning of AFI's Miseria Cantare begins to play.

Love...Your Hate...Your...Faith loss...
You...Are Now...One...of us
Love...Your Hate...Your...Faith Loss...
You...Are Now...One...of us

The drums begin to vibrate throughout the entire arena

Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is set for one fall and is an Ultimate Submission match! Introducing first, he is one half of the TCW Tag Team Champions..."THE TECHNICIAN" DESEAN BLACKWELL!!!

Tiffany walks through the curtains first. she points back to the entrance and DeSean walks out wearing his trademark blue hoodie and brandishing his tag title belt on his shoulder. With Singapore Cane in hand He walks slowly down the ramp, head up, talking trash to the fans in attendance. He escorts Tiffany up the stairs and she slowly but surely puts her legs in between the ropes before she enters. DeSean stands on the side of the ring, he puts his head down.

Radiate, recognize one silent call
As we all form one dark flame... Incinerate

As incinerate is shouted, DeSean flips the hood back and out stretches his arms. He jumps on the top rope and back flips in. In one motion, he pounds his fist on the mat and points to the sky, blue and gold pyro goes off in the background.

As the music ends, he climbs the ropes and puts his fist in the air showing off the Infinity ring.

"In Too Deep" by Sum 41 barks through the sound system. A low-key lightshow announces the arrival of Freya as she walks through the curtain wearing her Bleeder title belt. She gives the fans a few signals before beginning her journey to the ring.

Announcer: And his opponent...she is the TCW Bleeder Champion...FREYA GREEN!!!!

Freya ascends the ring steps, eyeing her opponent carefully, as well as Tiffany. She steps through the top and middle ropes and the bell rings.

Tex: Well ladies and gentlemen, this is an Ultimate Submission match. Basically that means that we will have Iron Man rules, except the only way to score a victory in your column is to make your opponent submit. The goal is to score more submission victories than your opponent in the 30 minutes allotted.

Cain: What if there's a tie?

Banter: There won't be a tie. There's a reason they call Blackwell "The Technician."

The bell rings and the clock starts to count down from 30:00.

The two competitors circle one another, trying to pick their first spot. Blackwell is visibly agitated, perhaps recalling the week's events. Freya takes a more defensive posture, unwilling to make the first move.

The two finally lock up collar-and-elbow, and Blackwell powers out of it, sending Freya flipping backwards to the corner. She crouches and gets to her bearings. The crowd boos loudly.

Tex: Blackwell really has a chip on his shoulder tonight.

Banter: Hey, Freya tried sticking her nose in his business. He has every right to be pissed off.

Blackwell motions that he wants another tie-up. Freya cautiously approaches and the two lock up again. Blackwell quickly turns it into a wristlock. Freya reverses it, Blackwell reverses again and floors her with a quick rear kick to the face!

Banter: OH!! How you like them apples?

Blackwell immediately clamps on a reverse chinlock. The ref moves in to check on Freya, who vigorously shakes her arms in defiance. She works to her feet and nails a few elbows to the midsection. Breaking the hold, Freya goes to the ropes.

Blackwell goes for a body drop, but Freya leapfrogs him, bounces off the other side, and is shoulderblocked by Blackwell back down to the mat.

Cain: Blackwell is really using his size advantage here!

Banter: is this chick going to wrestle him down to get a submission?

Now Blackwell goes to the ropes. Freya flips to her stomach and allows him to cross over. On his way back, she shoots up with a stiff clothesline that takes him off guard and sends him reeling to the corner. Freya moves in and delivers a few quick punches before sending him to the other corner. Freya quickly follows and lands a running dropkick.

As Blackwell stumbles forward, Freya takes him down to the mat with an armbar. The ref moves in to check on Blackwell, who shakes his head "no."

Tex: I think that that's how she's going to do it.

25:00 minutes remaining.

Blackwell grabs the ropes with his free arm to break Freya's hold. However, Freya doesn't let up and lands an elbowdrop to the back of his head. Freya pulls Blackwell to his feet, and he quickly counters with an eye rake.

Freya leans against the ropes, her hands instinctively going to her eyes as the crowd boos once again. Blackwell whips her to the other side and nails a flying spin kick, sending her crashing to the mat.

Blackwell begins stomping on Freya's knee, revealing a bit of strategy. He pulls her by the leg over to the ropes, propping her ankle on the bottom rope. Blackwell stands on the rope, jumps, and lands with his weight on her knee once again. Blackwell repeats this several more times before the ref breaks it up on account of Freya's leg being on the rope.

Banter: Now, here's where the match's ending starts to take shape, boys. Blackwell's gonna eliminate her ability to fly!

Blackwell pulls Freya by the leg to the middle of the ring and lands an elbow on her weakening knee. After landing a second elbow, he clamps on a modified leglock, applying more pressure to her injury. Freya yelps in pain, but refuses to tap for the referee. Blackwell smiles a cunning smile as he yanks her ankle back even harder.

Freya attempts to inch herself toward the ropes, but Blackwell's weight advantage keeps her from doing very much very quickly. She adopts a new strategy: punching him in the back of the head. This fazes Blackwell, but he resolves to keep the hold. Finally, Freya reaches up with both arms, interlaces her fingers on his chin, and pulls back.

Blackwell tries to use one arm to break the hold and finally realizes that he can't do both, so he releases his leglock. However, he lands a few punches to Freya's hurt knee before crawling to the side to take a breather.

20:00 minutes remaining.

Blackwell moves back in, pulling Freya to her feet. Freya is favoring the knee that Blackwell has been working on and tries to balance herself on her strong leg. Blackwell tries to whip her across the ring, but she reverses. As Blackwell bounces off the opposite side, he dives and chopblocks her injured knee, sending her howling to the canvas. Blackwell gestures to the crowd, who boos him even louder.

Blackwell brings Freya to her feet, wraps his arms around her torso and carries her to the corner, planting the small of her back into the turnbuckle. Freya sinks to her knees, but Blackwell picks her back up and sits her on the top buckle.

Blackwell climbs to the second buckle and positions himself for a suplex. Freya lands a punch to Blackwell's head. And another. And another. Now she is the one to wrap her arm around Blackwell's neck. She launches herself from the turnbuckle and lands a tornado DDT!!

Tex: WOW!! Where'd THAT come from?

Blackwell is stunned, which allows Freya to rest from his vicious offense. She lightly massages her knee, trying to work up the adrenaline to work through the pain. Freya pulls herself to her feet by the ropes and tries to walk on it, but can't quite do it yet.

Blackwell begins to stir, and Freya realizes that she needs to turn the tide. Freya hobbles forward and plants a legdrop across Blackwell's throat. Freya winces as it jars her knee at the same time.

Freya pulls Blackwell to his feet, using the ropes to support her own injury. Blackwell breaks her hold on her and whips her to the opposite side. As Freya returns, she ducks a clothesline, whips behind Blackwell, and secures a sleeper. The crowd begins to work itself up as Blackwell's arms begin flailing wildly as he tries to break out.

Freya has plenty of presence of mind to keep him in the middle of the ring, so Blackwell's reaching for the ropes is in vain. He expends so much energy in panic that he cannot use his weight. Blackwell goes down to one knee.

Cain: Freya has that sleeper on tight!

Tex: This could be Freya's first fall here!

Banter: Come on, Blackwell! Get it together!!

15:00 minutes remaining.

Cain: We're at the halfway point in this match and no one has a fall yet!

Banter: And that's not going to change now! Let's go, Blackwell!! What have those Infinity guys taught you?! Use it!!

Blackwell is slowly slumping to the mat as Freya adds pressure. His eyes begin to glaze over and he doesn't answer the ref when asked if he's still awake.

The ref lifts Blackwell's arm once...and it falls to the mat. The ref lifts Blackwell's arm a second time...once again, it falls to the mat. The ref lifts the arm a third time...and Blackwell keeps it weakly raised. The crowd boos loudly once again as Freya tries to wear him completely down, tightening her hold.

Blackwell uses his hands to scoot himself toward the rope. He inches a little closer. Freya tightens. Blackwell gets closer. Freya applies more pressure. Wincing, Blackwell moves even closer...and gets his foot on the bottom rope. Freya holds on as long as she can before releasing and pounding with fists and forearms. Blackwell raises his arms to his head for protection.

Freya limps to her feet, still feeling the effects of Blackwell's earlier attack. She pulls Blackwell to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Blackwell bounces back and the two clothesline each other. Both are now lying on the mat, chests rapidly rising and falling.

Cain: Oh! A miscalculation on Freya's part!

Tex: Not a miscalculation...just unexpected, from where I'm sitting.

Cain: Regardless, both are really feeling the effects of the match now. Freya has a bum knee, and Blackwell had a sleeper on him for a good 3-4 minutes! That can feel like a lifetime!

Banter: Yeah, but all Blackwell has to do is catch his breath. What the hell's Freya gonna do without her leg? Bye bye, no more stupid flippy crap!

Both competitors begin to stir. Freya sits against the bottom and middle rope, again massaging her knee. Blackwell is now in the corner, shakily getting to his feet. He moves in on Freya, dropping an axe handle across her shoulders.

Blackwell pulls Freya to her feet and nails a quick snap suplex. Blackwell pulls her up again and nails a second suplex. Blackwell stands and kneedrops Freya's bad leg, causing her to cry out in pain once again.

Banter: She is so done.

Blackwell lands another kneedrop before sending Freya to the corner yet again.

10:00 minutes remaining.

Blackwell tries to whip Freya to the other side, but Freya quickly stumbles and crumples to the mat clutching her knee.

The referee goes to check on Freya and holds out a hand to keep Blackwell back for a moment. Blackwell smirks, knowing the damage that he's done.

Banter: See? Just call it now, ref.

Tex: We still have ten minutes, Banter. Never say never!

Banter: NEVER!! That was easy.

Tex: It was a figure of speech.

Banter: Eat me. Tool.

Blackwell pulls Freya to her feet and signals to the crowd.

The crowd hates him for what he's doing. He drinks it in, savoring every last drop of their sheepish behavior.

Then, more to taunt them than to hurt her, he drops Freya with a death drop.

Banter: What else is there? Turn out the lights on this one.

Smirking, Blackwell goes to the corner and climbs to the outside. Ascending to the top, Blackwell once again signals to the crowd. This time, he holds out his arms mockingly to take in the applause that they refuse to give him.

Blackwell mouths the words, "Here's your hero!" With that, he leaps and easily hits a shooting star press.

Banter: All he needs to do now is seal the deal!

Tex: How's he going to do that? We still have seven minutes!

Banter: Please. Get her to tap and then have him come sit by me and do commentary for the rest of the match. She ain't getting up.

Tex: Never count Freya out. She's got a lot of heart and she's pulled out tougher victories than this!

Blackwell turns Freya onto her stomach and picks up her bad leg. A second later, Freya is locked in a half Boston crab. The ref goes to check on her and she shakes her head screaming in pain. Blackwell shakes his head, too, but in thinking that she can't possibly hang on too much longer.

The ref keeps asking Freya if she wants to give up to buy a few moments' rest, but she refuses.

Cain: Freya has to be aware of the time at this point. No way she wants to go down 1-0 this late!

Blackwell leans back even more and Freya's screams become louder. Finally, Blackwell voluntarily releases the hold and stomps on her knee once again.

Blackwell shoves Freya to the corner once again, hitting a few kicks to her midsection and knee before whipping her to the other side.

Blackwell charges, but Freya dodges and uses his momentum to send him head-first into the buckle! Blackwell reels, and Freya hits a bulldog. Both are down once again.

5:00 minutes remaining.

Cain: Freya has stopped Blackwell's offense!

Tex: Hopefully she can tough it out for the next five minutes!!

Banter: All right Blackwell, time to get nasty! Stop playing games!

Freya now tries to go on the offensive. She hits a few punches before pulling Blackwell to his feet. She hits a few turnbuckle smashes before whipping him to the other side, but can't quickly follow up because of her knee.

Freya hobbles toward Blackwell, who tries for a spear. Freya has enough sense about her to sidestep him, sending him shoulder first into the opposite pole. The crowd again works itself up.

Cain: That could be the turning point right there! Freya has great instinct!

Freya pulls Blackwell back, and he falls to the canvas. Freya lands a series of fistdrops on Blackwell's shoulder. She sits him up and grinds her elbow into it, and now Blackwell is the one howling in pain.

Tex: Freya is quick to capitalize on Blackwell's screw-up!

Banter: Shut up.

3:00 minutes remaining.

Freya lays Blackwell back down on the mat and hits a high knee drop on his shoulder. She pulls him back to his feet and grabs his wrist, yanking on his arm a few times before sending him to the opposite corner. Blackwell stumbles forward and Freya hits a clothesline.

Blackwell goes down, clutching his injured shoulder.

Freya is quick to pull him back up and shove him to the corner once again, chest-first. As he stumbles out, Freya hits a facebuster but can't capitalize immediately as it jars her knee.

Freya pulls Blackwell up yet again and sends him to the ropes. Mustering her strength, she hits a flying reverse kick.

1:00 minute remaining.

Aware of the time, Freya goes back to working on the shoulder. Jamming her good knee into the middle of his back, she wrenches both arms backwards in the most unnatural way. Blackwell shakes his head when the ref checks on him.

Freya applies more pressure as Blackwell strains to reach the ropes with his foot. He reaches...reaches...reaches...and finally gets there. Freya breaks the hold but quickly stays on him with a few short chops to his injured shoulder.

Freya pulls Blackwell to his feet once again. She whips Blackwell to the other side and goes for a dropkick...but Blackwell holds onto the ropes and she comes down on her knee. Blackwell moves in, grabs her legs, and ties her up in an elevated Texas Cloverleaf.

Cain: Blackwell has the Leg Stretcher locked on!

Blackwell applies as much pressure as he possibly can, crying out almost as much as Freya is. He screams to the arena lights, his eyes clenched tight. Freya's yells are more throaty, more strained.

The crowd cheers wildly for Freya. Hang on. Hang on for just a few more seconds...hang on...

One wonders if they can hear cartilage cracking.

She's had enough.

The referee calls for the bell as Freya's hand finally hits the mat.

The crowd checks the clock. Two. One.

The official bell rings to end the match.

Blackwell slumps to the mat, his non-injured arm raised in victory.

Announcer: Here is your winner..."THE TECHNICIAN" DESEAN BLACKWELL!!!!

Blackwell slowly rolls out of the ring as officials rush to check on Freya. AFI plays once again as Blackwell surveys his battlefield.

Tex: Well folks...Blackwell's victory is one story...but Freya's resilience is maybe an even better one.

Banter: But...Blackwell moves on, right?

Tex: Yeah...

Banter: And Freya lost?

Tex: Yeah...

Banter: Then who cares about her story?

Tex: Banter Shark, ladies and gentlemen. Always a man of heart. Let's take it to the back.

Are you tired of buying five pounds of Chicken flavored Ramen noodles when all you wanted was Beef?

Are you tired of having to buy six tires when you only need one?

Are you tired of eighty year old Red shirted rent-a cops blocking you from their doors just because you're not a member?

Are you tired of being injected with nano-machines that force you to fill your cart with a years worth of groceries when all you have is a mini fridge and all you REALLY wanted was a ham sandwhich?

Then come to S-MART! We don't force you to be a member to save. S-MART! Don't be a mark for hidden prices be SMART shop S-MART!

Shadow: Hi I'm Shadow not only do I shop at S-MART,I Own it! Look for one to pop up right next t you're overpriced latte shop soon!

S-MART: think before you BUY!

Matt Strikmore Vs Titanium Insomniac

Sammy Eubanks: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a BURIED ALIIIIIVE MATCH! And it is the quarter final of the MAJESTIC CUP TOURNAMEEEEEEENT!!!!

The crowd pops at the announcement, both for the unusual match stipulation and for its significance in the tournament that may crown the next number one contender.

The drum beats of "Battle of One" start as white lights strobe to the beat. The guitar riff starts, and blue strobes join the white lights.

Sammy: Introducing first...from Wildwoods, New Jersey...weighing in at 220 lbs.....MAAAAAATT STRIIIIIIIIKEMOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!

As the singer screams, Matt Strikmore makes his way through the entrance way. Wearing long brown tights with blue details, Matt rolls his neck before heading down the ramp. There's very little fanfare, and Matt keeps his eyes fixed on the mound of earth at one side of the entrance. Sliding under the bottom rope, Matt quickly jumps back up to his feet before lightly jogging in place while shaking out his arms. Despite his energetic entrance, the trepidation in the rookie's face is obvious.

Tex: Strikmore is looking down the barrel of maybe the biggest gun imaginable here - surely this is the biggest challenge of this popular young rookie's career? Maybe even his entire life?

Cain: Undoubtedly. Titanium Insomniac is maybe the biggest star in 411fed history, and Strikmore, while an amazing talent, cannot possibly be ready for an opponent of this calibre.

Banter: In other words, he's going to get squashed like a bug!

Tex: Maybe so. Infinity, with the Insomniac as the jewel in their crown, are looking to run through anyone who gets in their way. Will Strikmore be anything more than a speed bump on their road?

Sammy: And his opponent...

The drums of P. Diddy's 'Come With Me' kick in as the arena goes dark. A weathered sign along a gravelled country road appears on the screen with the words 'Welcome to Bedlam' carved into it.

Sammy: From Saint Louis, Missouri...weighing in at 267 lbs....THE TITANIIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM INSOOOMNIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the guitars kick in, we move to quick shots between riffs. The shots alternate between footage of TI in the ring and black and white art film clips. The clips are disturbing, somewhat incoherent. They only make sense to the one who filmed them. It's like something you'd see in The Ring or Un Chien Andalou.

P Diddy starts into his rap and the stage opens. Strobe lights flash as Titanium Insomniac rises from beneath. The clips continue to roll: TI puts an opponent through a table, a woman screams in melodramatic terror, TI smashes someone's head with a chair, a centipede crawls over a man's lifeless face...and so on and on and on.

TI makes his way to the ring, a cocky swagger about him. He knows he is dangerous because he doesn't care. If he were to die tonight, it wouldn't matter. He climbs through the ropes and smirks at his opponent as red and blue police lights flash above the ring. P. Diddy has become more passionate as he spouts his lyrics. He removes his trench coat as the lights come up and readies himself for bedlam one more time.

Banter: Now THAT's an entrance!

Tex: He has the experience advantage, he has the size and weight advantage, he has the back-up in the form of Infinity - will one man be enough to stand in the Insomniac's way?

Banter: Oh he can stand in his way - the only question is just how TI is going to flatten him!

Cain: Don't write Strikmore off; he's already proved himself an impressive talent and his popularity with the fans is growing by the day.

TI and Strikmore eye each other. TI looks smug and confident, while Strikmore moves edgily, not meeting his opponent's eyes.

Banter: Is he scared?

Tex: Can you blame him if he is?

The bell rings and TI wastes no time in raising his hands for a lock-up. After a short pause, Strikmore locks-up with him and they push back and forth for a few seconds, before TI subtly shifts the pressure and easily overpowers Strikmore, knocking him hard onto the mat.

The crowd boos as TI smirks at his smaller foe.

Strikmore is right back up on his feet, refusing to be cowed and offers another lock-up. TI moves in, but this time Strikmore manages to get the quick advantage, snapping on a side-headlock. TI pushes himself out, running Strikmore into the ropes and the rookie attempts to come back with a shoulder block, but TI holds his ground and Strikmore flails down to the mat.

Banter: Hahahahaha!

Cain: Strikmore looks like he just ran into a brick wall.

Strikmore gets up slowly, massaging his shoulder where he ran into TI. As he reaches his feet, he raises a hand and offers a test of strength. Scoffing, TI moves to accept, but feints and kicks his opponent in the midsection, doubling Strikmore over in pain.

Tex: Well, the crowd didn't like that one bit, but somehow I doubt TI cares too much.

TI gets a suplex on Strikmore and snaps on a side-headlock on the mat. Strikmore fights his way to his feet though and elbows his way out. As TI turns, Strikmore hits back with a dropkick that knocks the Insomniac prone for the first time in the match. The crowd cheers disproportionately loudly.

TI is up to his feet in the blink of an eye, looking somewhat perturbed, but not losing his cool. Strikmore attempts an Irish whip, but TI plants his feet firmly on the mat and halt Strikmore's progress. With a quick movement, he pulls the smaller man in to him and floors him with a big clothesline.

Tex: That almost took Strikmore's head off! TI remains in control here.

Banter: Was there ever any doubt?

TI drills Strikmore with a scoop slam as he groggily stands and then picks him up for an Irish whip into the corner. TI charges in, but SM manages to get a boot up. TI staggers back, and Strikmore arm drags him down.

Cain: I told you not to write the rookie off, Banter - he has the heart and skill to stand a chance here.

Tex: And wouldn't it be one hell of a story if he did defy the odds tonight?

Banter: One hell of a lame story, yeah...

Strikmore holds onto the arm drag and locks in an armbar, but TI reverses, getting up to one knee and ducking under Strikmore's arm to bring him up into a hammerlock. With a roar of exertion, TI lifts Strikmore off his feet and drops him down face-first onto the mat.

The crowd let out a big ‘oooh' at the impact and Strikmore seems in no hurry to rise. TI doesn't let up his attack for even a second, stomping Strikmore and picking him up by the hair. With a smirk, he Irish whips him out of the ring and follows him out over the ropes.

Cain: The action is spilling outside; remember, there are no disqualifications, no count-outs, no pinfalls and no submissions in this match - the only way to win is to put your opponent inside that casket and bury him six-feet under!

TI moves in to attack Strikmore, but the rookie is ready and gets a drop-toehold that sends TI crashing into the ring post. Strikmore begins to take control, getting a snap suplex on the outside and then going for a cross-armbreaker, only to have TI fight his way out with a series of punches. Strikmore stands, but gets levelled immediately by a chop from TI.

Tex: Strikmore is struggling to make any headway here - every time he looks about to make a comeback, TI just smashes him down and continues his relentless assault.

Banter: ‘Relentless' is the right word. TI is unstoppable, and if there is someone who can stand in his way, Strikmore isn't the one to do it.

TI lifts Strikmore up again and smashes his face into the ring steps before whipping him into the crowd barrier and following him in to deliver a series of brutal stomps and punches.

Cain: Strikmore looks pretty beaten up right now, how long can he survive this, Tex?

Tex: I talked to Matt before the match and he was readier than he's ever been to get in the ring and maybe make a name for himself, but he's only human and there's only so much of a beating he can take.

TI lets Strikmore stagger to his feet and then picks him up and spins him around, driving him down hard with a spinebuster on the floor. TI lifts his hands up and plays to the crowd, but receives only boos.

Banter: You know what? The reaction of these morons only vindicates what TI is doing here - how else is he supposed to teach these ingrates what a real wrestler is like? They should respect his talent, even if they can't get pass silly issues like personal bias.

Tex: You're one to talk about personal bias, Banter!

Cain: And I don't think there's anyone in this arena who doesn't respect TI's talent and all that he's achieved, but no one wants to see a guy like Matt Strikmore just get destroyed like this.

TI rolls Strikmore into the ring and climbs in after him. He lays him out flat on the floor and slowly climbs up to the top rope.

Tex: It's not often we see the Insomniac go high, but when he does, he sure makes it count!

This time is no exception, as TI flies off the turnbuckle and delivers a huge fist-drop to Strikmore, connection hard with his chest.

Cain: Strikmore can't take much more - he looks to be in considerable pain!

Banter: Wouldn't you be?

TI lifts his hands again, signalling for a big move, and is again met with a chorus of boos and jeers. Ignoring the thirty-thousand fans alternately screaming abuse at him and chanting for Strikmore, he picks up his opponent and locks in a full-nelson.

Tex: It looks like TI is going for The Teardrop! This could be all over!

TI lifts Strikmore up off his feet but, midway through the motion, Strikmore slips his left arm out of the hold and swings himself around TI's body, using his hold on his right arm as a fulcrum. From behind, with immense effort, Strikmore hefts TI up onto his shoulders into an inverted fireman's carry.

Banter: Hey! What the hell?!

Tex: My God! Amazing reversal! Strikmore has TI right where he wants him!

Taking a few shaky steps forward, Strikmore pauses before looking out to the crowd, nodding, and delivering the Morey's Pier Plunge to an immense cheer.

Tex: And there it is! The momentum of this match has been shifted dramatically in Strikmore's favour!

Cain: This is surely the opening the rookie needs...

TI and Strikmore are both down, but the younger wrestler recovers first and drapes a hand over TI.

Banter: Hahahahaha!

Cain: And in any other match this would be all over, but pinfalls are irrelevant here!

Strikmore finally comes to his senses and stands up, looking somewhat sheepish. Realising he needs to take control as TI is stirring, Strikmore stands up and stomps his opponent down. Quickly he reaches down and lifts TI up. He kicks him in the stomach and gets a quick gutbuster that knocks the wind out of TI. Quickly he snaps on a bow-and-arrow hold.

Tex: TI looks in pain, but you can see in Strikmore's eyes that he's beginning to reach the limits of his stamina. If he wants to win this, he's going to need to neutralise TI as soon as possible and get him down to the buried alive area.

Strikmore releases his hold and tries a suplex, but TI manages to escape in mid-move, dropping down behind Strikmore. Looking angry now, the veteran reaches over and pulls Strikmore into a dragon sleeper, letting out a bellow of fury as he locks in his signature move.

Cain: No submissions in this match, but TI knows this hold will wear Strikmore down.

TI is now taunting Strikmore, yelling at him to tap.

Banter: I thought submissions didn't count?

Tex: They don't, but I think TI just wants the satisfaction of seeing Strikmore symbolically give up the struggle and tap out, even if it won't end the contest.

Strikmore clenches his fist, refusing to tap and give TI the moral victory he desires. With phenomenal effort, he moves himself towards the ropes and grabs hold.

Cain: No DQs...the referee cannot break the hold...

TI laughs as Strikmore tightens his grip on the rope and moves it frantically. The former world champion retains the sleeper, waiting for Strikmore's grip to finally slacken, before dropping him with an inverted DDT.

Strikmore doesn't move as TI stands over him. Though the fans are chanting his name, the rookie simply looks to be unconscious. Smiling broadly, TI hauls him to his feet and roughly throws him from the ring.

Tex: And now, surely, this must be over.

Cain: Strikmore has made one hell of an effort, but TI has broken him down and burying him is perhaps just a formality.

TI ignores such suggestions though, climbing from the ring and pulling up one of the protective mat's on the floor, revealing the grey concrete below.

Tex: Oh no...

Grinning, TI lifts Strikmore up and piledrives him hard on the bare concrete, leaving the young man to fall into a heap. Without pausing, TI stands and begins to search under the ring for something.

Cain: What's he doing?

Tex: Well there are all manner of implements under that ring, but TI looks like he has some specific purpose in mind.

After a few moments, TI emerges with a familiar object in his hand - his cane.

Banter: He must have put it there before the show. TI sure is smart!

Cain: His cane is perfectly legal as a weapon in this match. This does not look good for Strikmore.

TI sets about Strikmore with the cane, beating him over the ribs and back. Weakly, Strikmore tries to fight back, but TI just rears back and smashes him across the head with his impromptu weapon, busting Strikmore open.

Tex: Oh! This is just a mugging!

Cain: TI knows he could have won this minutes ago, now he's simply torturing Strikmore for his own sick pleasure!

Finally, TI grabs a handful of Strikmore's hair and begins to drag him up the aisle. Strikmore stumbles all the way, dripping blood all the way up the ramp. Eventually they reach the mound of earth in which the casket sits above in a six-foot-deep hole, ready to descend on hydraulics into the pit. A large yellow digger with its scoop full of soil sits behind the small hillock of dirt.

TI muscles Strikmore up the slope of the mound and, for good measure, bulldogs him on the dirt, covering him in dark soil and caking his nasty head wound with filth. The crowd continues to boo loudly, no longer even cheering for Strikmore, preferring to simple make their feelings about TI clear.

Tex: Thank God this is over at least...

TI goes to throw Strikmore into the casket put pauses and shakes his head. Smiling, he moves Strikmore in front of him and lifts him up onto his shoulders, spreading his arms to hold the rookie in the crucifix position.

Cain: TI never misses a chance for metaphor. He has crucified Strikmore in this match and now he will symbolically do the same with ‘The Cure'. This is a damn shame.

TI smirks at the crowd, holding Strikmore aloft for added effect. Slowly, he lifts him a little higher, preparing to drive him down into the casket...


Thirty thousand fans immediately surge to their feet, emitting an immense cheer as TI drops Strikmore down onto the dirt, leaving him lying precariously near the short drop into the casket.

Tex: Oh my God! What is this? Is Darkness intervening in this match?!

TI is looking at the entrance way as ‘Fear of the Dark' continues to play, his fists clenched and a furious expression on his face.

After a few seconds, the music abruptly cuts out.

Cain: What the hell was...OHMIGOD!

Strikmore, from nowhere, brings his arm up between TI's legs, bending him double in pain with the low blow.


Tex: No DQ! No DQ! It's legal!

Strikmore doesn't move his arm, grapevining TI's leg and dropping down, school-boying him over the edge of the drop and right into the casket. The lid slams shut with a resounding ‘bang' and, as the coffin descends and the digger starts to pile on the soil, the bell rings.

The pop is deafening as Strikmore collapses in a heap next to TI's temporary resting place.

Tex: By God he did it! Strikmore just beat the Titanium Insomniac and now, now the rookie has made a name for himself! Matt Strikmore has landed!

Sammy Eubanks: Here is your winner, and advancing in the Majestic Cup Tournament....MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT STRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cain: Incredible! But I wonder what the explanation for Darkness's music playing and distracting TI is?

Banter: Isn't it obvious? This is all apart of the New Hellfire Club's attempts to undermine the dominance of Infinity!

Tex: Well, whatever the reasons for this, the real story here is Matt Strikmore's amazing victory. What an effort from the rookie.

As EMT's attend Strikmore, the crowd continues to cheer before we go backstage

Lupelli stares at Breed, his eyes narrow.

"Move," he says to Valentina, who continues to stand in front of the giant.

"Tony," she says, her hands held up. "Mac Avoy made him, but look-- he listens to me."

Lupelli moves forward. A movement behind him causes him to turn. Mac Avoy steps into the light.

"Come to use Breed against me again?"

Mac Avoy shakes his head slowly. "I don't think I could if I wanted to. Your girlfriend's the only person I've seen have much success."

"Well good then," Lupelli says, his hands slicing through the air to close around Mac Avoy's neck.

"Tony!" Valentina grabs Lupelli's hands and, despite her meager strength, pulls his arms free.

"Let him go, sweetheart. We need to finish this." Mac Avoy moves forward, but he receives a slap from the Italian woman. He starts, looking at her with angry eyes.

"You are both acting like children!"

"Sticks and stones," Mac Avoy says, glaring at Lupelli.

Lupelli sighs, calming himself down slightly. He remembers his conversation with Valentina earlier on. "Maybe she's right, Mac Avoy. We're outnumbered around here."

"Not quite."

The voice comes from the shadows behind them all. Lupelli recognizes it immediately. It's a voice that he had heard many times before-- on the telephone.

"Mystery," he says.

A figure steps from the shadows, his face dominated by a metallic mask. The mask resembles a human face, but reveals nothing about the person underneath it. Lupelli steps forward, his fists clenched.

"Breed," Mystery says.

The leviathan instantly moves forward and places a massive hand on Lupelli's shoulder, restraining him.

"Looks like somebody can control him after all," Mac Avoy remarks, staring at the masked figure with a mixture of interest and annoyance. He turns to leave, but Mystery clears his throat.

"I would have an audience with the both of you."

"Both of us?" Lupelli asks.

"Correct. It was I that arranged for you to face Mac Avoy and it was I that brought Breed into the equation. Everything that has happened since you arrived has been put in motion by me. Well, save for the unfortunate incident with Valentina's kidnapping."

Mystery stood still, seeming rather calm considering he was talking to two of the most volatile people in the federation.

"It is time that I took a more active role in events. They are accelerating more rapidly than I would have hoped. I think you both will find my proposal rewarding."

Mac Avoy and Lupelli looked at each other. Mac Avoy shrugged. Lupelli then looked at Mystery.


Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:57 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
Darkness Vs Shadow

Sammy Eubanks: The following contest is a DOG COLLAR MATCH and it is scheduled for one fall!

Tex: Well, folks, perhaps it's no surprise that this match is next seeing what we just witnessed in the last match - we've heard from the sound engineers backstage and apparently it was a genuine mistake. Darkness's music was queued up for this match and someone just pressed the wrong button...

Banter: Sure, sure. If you believe that you'll believe anything!

Cain: Well, becoming involved in the matches of others is certainly not in character for the Darkness we know, but then, this is the same man who smeared Cameron Jones's blood across his chest last month, so who knows?

Tex: Whatever the situation, you have to believe that Shadow is looking to get revenge for his Infinity team-mate's loss in this match.

Those that stand against me shall soon fall before me!" An instrumental version of Let Me Fly by DMX begins to play only the chorus is repeated three times until lights got out smoke fills the ramp way, and the houselights go out.

Sammy: Introducing fists...weighing in at 255 lbs...he is a member of INFINITY AND ONE HALF OF THE TCW UNIFIED TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONS....SHAAAAAAAAAAADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Shadows masked face appears on screen white floodlight start to flash and finally the man walks to the top of the ramp way and turns his back on the crowd He's wearing a leather trench with the same Crow and Phoenix logo as the one on his chest. He slowly rolls his neck and turns forward walking a third of the way down the ramp before lifting the sign for the Reality Check (The middle and ring finger split into a v with the index and pinkie curled at the base) into the sky amid a chorus of boos. He lowers the sign and rolls his shoulder slowly making his way to the ring. When he reaches the apron he climbs the top turnbuckle and stands tall with his arms crossed staring towards the ramp way awaiting his opponent.

Banter: Where are his hot Japanese girlfriends?

Tex: Well spotted, Banter, there's no Yu and Ai with Shadow tonight. I guess maybe he thinks he won't need them?

Cain: Or he knows they'll be no use against Darkness...


Tex: Speaking of whom!

The crowd erupts as Darkness's music begins and, on the Twistedtron, an image of the full moon behind dark, scattered clouds appears. Gradually, it fades and is replaced by the flaming pentagram logo of the New Hellfire Club. Abruptly, the view changes to one of a locker room door with the word ‘Darkness' written on it...

I am the man who walks alone...

The door opens, revealing Darkness standing, head bowed.

And when I'm walking a dark road,
At night or strolling through the park...

The camera pans out, showing that the door to the locker room is framed by half a dozen members of DanteCorp Security. Darkness nods to them and steps out into the corridor, the guards quickly falling into step as the camera follows Darkness's progress from a couple of feet in front of him.

When the light begins to fade, I sometimes feel a little strange,
A little anxious when it's dark...

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark,
I have a constant fear that something's always near...

After walking down several corridors, Darkness -escort in tow - has reached the Gorilla position and he pauses for a few seconds as the anticipation of the crowd reaches fever pitch.

Fear of the dark (YOU!)

The crowd chants in unison with the music: **FEAR OF THE DARK!**

I have a phobia that someone's always...there...

A huge explosion of pyro from the entrance stuns everyone in the arena and, as ‘Fear of the Dark' kicks in; Darkness hurtles from behind the curtain and down the ramp at full speed. The crowd is chanting Darkness's name as, seemingly defying physics, he leaps from the arena floor and into the ring in one smooth bound, driving one fist into the mat and causing the entire structure to visibly tremble.

Cain: Wow!

Banter: This guy is all show, he needs to start putting his money where his mouth is...

Tex: He's been doing that since the day he arrived, Banter. Only two men have beaten Darkness and Shadow is looking to be the third!

Have you run your fingers down the wall,
And have you felt your neck skin crawl,
When you're searching for the light?

Darkness crosses the ring, ignoring his opponent, and ascends the turnbuckle. He roars at the crowd as they cheer for him, soaking up their adulation and seemingly drawing power from it.

Sometimes when you're scared to take a look,
At the corner of the room,
You're scared that someone's watching you....

Darkness raises his arms above his head.

Fear of the dark! Fear of the dark!

Sammy: And in the ring...from Chicago, Illinois...weighing in at 218 lbs...he is a member of THE NEW HELLFIIIIIIIIRE CLUB....DAAAAAAAAAARKNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the music dies down, Darkness hops down into the ring and stands before Shadow, not taking his eyes from the taller man's expressionless mask. A few moments later, the referee is handed the ominous chain with a collar on each end and begins fastening it to the two wrestlers.

Tex: To those not familiar with the rules of this match, well they're very simple: ordinary rules apply, with the exception that the competitors are attached by a ten foot length of chain which is perfectly legal as a weapon in this match.

Cain: And ten feet might seem like a long distance, but once a few suplexes get thrown, it begins to get tangled up, and remember that those are metal links. This is not a fun match to be in.

Banter: Heh...look at Darkness's face - I don't think he likes wearing that collar!

In the ring, the former champion is giving the object fastened around his neck and distasteful look and tests the chain experimentally with a small tug.

Tex: Darkness doesn't seem like the type of guy who likes being chained up to me.

Banter: Weird, I thought Goths loved all that stuff.

The bell rings and Shadow starts by yanking the chain and pulling Darkness off his feet, bringing him down hard into the ring. The tag champion grabs Darkness's leg and looks for a half crab but Darkness is able to twist out of it in this early stage of the match.

Darkness rises to his feet and pulls Shadow up with him by the chain. He gets a lightning-fast arm drag and chains it into an armbar but Shadow reverses around into a hammerlock, causing the chain to twist up around Darkness's body. Immediately, Shadow grabs a short length of chain and wraps it around his opponent's neck, choking him.

Tex: And already we see this chain beginning to play a part in this match.

Cain: It's completely tangled around them already. Darkness isn't going to find it easy to escape.

Darkness struggles for a few moments before reaching back and, with monumental effort flips Shadow over his back. As the Infinity member crashes to the canvas, Darkness drops a knee on his temple and quickly covers...


And Shadow kicks right out.

Cain: Too early to get a pin there.

Banter: What an idiot! Does the New Hellfire Club only ask retards to join up, or is it just a coincidence?

Shadow is up and gets an Irish whip, but is forced to follow Darkness into the corner by the tangled chain and gets a clothesline. He begins stomping Darkness in the corner, but the referee eventually breaks it up. Unperturbed, Shadow pulls Darkness into the middle of the ring and gets a double underhook DDT. He covers...


Kickout straight away!

Banter: But see, that's different...

Tex: Because a member of Infinity did it?

Banter: Pretty much.

Shadow pulls Darkness to his feet by his long hair and gets a scoop slam. He goes straight for an armbar, but Darkness rolls out and gets a back elbow, sending Shadow reeling. The former champion is immediately up and executes a crisp dropkick, knocking Shadow off his feet.

By now the chain is thoroughly tangled up, and Darkness endeavours to get himself un-knotted, but Shadow is up too soon and trips him, quickly mounting Darkness and beating him down with his fists. Darkness finally manages to throw Shadow off and then attempts a standing moonsault, but the chain is still twisted around the bodies of both men and he can't make the full revolution.

Tex: Oooh...a hard landing for Darkness - he certainly didn't get all of that.

Shadow is the first to recover and, once he gets up, begins untangling the chain by tossing Darkness over and then around the ring. He continues to flip his smaller foe over by yanking at the chain until it's finally free.

Banter: That was great!

Cain: Darkness looks hurt and dizzy; it really is amazing what effect this chain linking the two of them is having on this match.

Shadow pulls the groggy Darkness forward and gets a neckbreaker. He grabs another length of chain and begins using it to choke Darkness.

Tex: Nothing the official can do here, the chain is perfectly legal, even for a choke!

Eventually Shadow releases the choke and goes for a cover...



No, Darkness gets a shoulder up!

Cain: Darkness is showing his trademark tenacity here.

Banter: Trademark stupidity more like. If he'd stayed down then he'd have avoided the beating Shads is about to give him.

Tex: Shads?

Banter: All his friends call him that, Tex - didn't you know?

Tex: Oh I knew, I just didn't realise you were one of them.

Shadow picks Darkness up and whips him off the ropes, letting the chain extend before dropping to one knee and pulling hard, letting Darkness's momentum carry him forward and then yank him down as the chain goes taut. Shadow moves in and lays in the stomps and then follows up with a snapmare into a reverse chinklock.

Tex: Shadow looks to be firmly in control of this match right now.

Cain: Careful you don't speak too soon, Tex!

In the ring, Darkness begins to fight out with elbows, but Shadow kicks him in the gut and nails a big DDT before choking his opponent with the chain again.

Banter: See? In control.

Cain: Darkness is starting to look a little worn down here.

Shadow stands up and kicks Darkness in the back before clamping in a sleeper with the chain wrapped around his arm.

Tex: And that's also legal in this match.

Darkness's head begins to droop and his eyes flutter closed. Moments later the referee is in and raises Darkness's hand...

Tex: It could be all over here!

It begins to! Darkness raises his arm and starts to fight out, rising slowly to his feet. Shadow cleverly responds by releasing his hold and then grounding Darkness with a precision kick. Shadow gets a vertical suplex and observes that the chain is tangled up again. Shrugging, he pulls a length of it around one arm and wraps it around his wrist and up his forearm.

Cain: Shadow is turning this chain into a deadly weapon.

Tex: And that's just what he needs against a man like Darkness.

Banter: You mean a cheater? I hope he realises that playing his own music at the end of this match isn't going to distract Shadow.

Shadow nails a forearm to Darkness with the chain-wrapped arm. He kicks Darkness in the gut and drives him to his knees before smashing him in the face with a chain-assisted elbow.

Cain: Cheater or not, Darkness looks pretty hurt, now would be the ideal time for Shadow to strike.

The tag champion can't actually hear Isaiah's advice, but he seems to take it anyway, raising a hand and making the distinctive signal that heralds the Reality Check. Darkness slowly staggers to his feet and Shadow moves in. He reaches one hand over Darkness's shoulder, but the NHFC member grabs his wrist and flips him over his back with a smooth judo throw.

Tex: What a counter!

Banter: Did he hum Fear of the Dark to distract him?

Darkness staggers up, untangling the chain from himself. He clenches his fists and hits hard with a series of punches. Shadow is reeling and Darkness whips him off the ropes, going low and letting the chain wrap around his arm as Shadow comes back. He lets the chain go taut and pulls back, dropping Shadow hard. Quickly he gets an elbow drop before yanking Shadow up to his feet and nailing a back suplex which he bridges into a pin...

One..., Shadow kicks out.

Cain: Darkness is trying to mount a comeback, but he hasn't done enough for a pin yet, I feel.

Darkness adopts a new strategy, kicking Shadow in the knee. He hauls the larger man to his feet and gets a knee buster before going for the half crab.

Tex: Tap out?

Banter: No chance!

Banter is correct as Shadow crawls over to the ropes and the referee forces Darkness to break the hold. Unfazed, Darkness starts to wrap the chain around Shadow's leg, but the masked CEO fights back with punches. Darkness responds by stomping his leg and falls into a legbar. Shadow twists out, but the chain doesn't let Darkness go far. They begin to brawl on the mat again, exchanging vicious punches.

Cain: Both men are looking for leverage and the chance to use the chain to its utmost effect.

Shadow eventually gains the advantage, climbing on top of Darkness, but he gets monkey flipped over and Darkness slides up to his feet and unwinds the chain. Darkness picks Shadow up, but gets a punch to the gut. Shadow tries a suplex, but Darkness reverses and falls behind him.

Tex: School boy roll up!



Thr....Kick out!

Tex: The first near-fall of the match, Shadow only just made it out of that one.

Shadow is up to his feet quickly and aims a kick, but Darkness catches it and gets a dragon screw into another legbar. Shadow is able to reach the ropes again though.

Cain: Darkness is working on that leg, which means he can be setting Shadow up for only one thing.

Banter: A huge victory for Infinity?

Tex: Not if the man once known as ‘the rookie sensation' has anything to do with it!

Darkness slowly raises a hand, wiggling his fingers as the crowd begins to come alive for what they know is coming next. Shadow pulls himself up using the ropes, not looking at Darkness. The former champion waits a few seconds before yanking on the chain and pulling Shadow around to face him. His gloved hand flies out, catching Shadow around the throat as 30,000 fans pop...


Shadow is driven hard down to the mat with the chokeslam and it's clear what's coming next...


Banter: Calm down...Jesus...

Shadow looks like he's in pain. He tries to reach out for the ropes, but they're just outside his grasp. Darkness manages to twist his fist around the chain and pulls on it as he edges into the centre of the ring, dragging Shadow with him.

Tex: This must be over! Shadow must tap to this hold!

Cain: This is the very move with which Darkness won his first ever match against Shogun and also the world title last year - he has an illustrious history with forcing his opponents to tap out with it.

Shadow raises a hand as if to tap, but shakes his head and clenches his fist, burying his face in the canvas as he tries to resist the pain. Slowly, he begins to move towards the ropes, edging closer inch by tortuous inch. Darkness tries to reach back and pull Shadow from the ropes, but the Infinity member reaches out...and grabs the bottom rope!

Banter: Yes!

Tex: What incredible fortitude. Mightier men have tapped, but Shadow survives the Darkshooter this time.

Darkness releases the hold and steps back into the ring, unwinding the chain again. He leans down and slaps his thigh causing the crowd to come alive once more as they guess what's about to happen. Shadow stands using the ropes again and slowly turns...

Tex: a bolt of lightn...oh no!

Shadow catches the kick in midair and spins around, nailing Darkness with a spinkick almost too fast for the eye to follow.

Banter: Wow!

Cain: He calls that unique counter ‘The Crow and Phoenix'.

Tex: And it's not just a pretty name, the momentum of this match has just swing abruptly in Shadow's favour.

Shadow massages his injured leg as he hobbles to his feet. Darkness is down, but begins to rise and Shadow raises his hand again, once more signalling for the Reality Check. Darkness staggers upright and Shadow closes in....Reality Check! Shadow has managed to loop the chain into the hold too, further adding to the excruciating pain of the hold. Darkness has no hands free and cannot reach the ropes.

Banter: Yes! Come on Dorkness...time to tap out!

Cain: If he does, this will be a landmark victory for Shadow; Darkness has never submitted to my knowledge.

Darkness looks like he's passing out, but he is refusing to tap. Shadow shakes him back and forth, trying to get him to submit, but he won't, instead going slowly limp.

Tex: Shadow will take a knockout victory, I'm certain. Darkness's pride will not allow him to give up, but there's only so much even his mighty constitution can take.

The referee moves in to see if Darkness is unconscious. Neither of his hands are free to raise, so the official simply begins solely counting, giving Darkness the traditional three-count to recover...



Thr...and the referee pauses. The camera focuses in and we see Darkness's eyes slowly open. The crowd surges into life and begins to chant their support for Darkness. Slowly his body seems to lose its limpness and his fists clench.

Tex: My God! Here it comes!

Banter: Come on, Shads! You can make him tap still!

Desperately Shadow attempts to tighten the hold, but Darkness is fighting back. Gradually, he begins to pull his arms out of Shadow's grip, prising apart the Reality Check by sheer force. Abruptly, Darkness throws out a sudden back kick to Shadow's gut that breaks the hold and sends him staggering.

Darkness breathes heavily, recovering for a few moments. Shadow also catches his breath before charging his opponent, only for Darkness to dodge around him and pull the chain with him, turning Shadow around to face him against his volition.

Darkness pauses for a spilt second to look Shadow in the eye.


Shadow bounces up from the ring and is flipped over onto his back. Darkness cover immediately...




"Fear of the Dark" begins to play as Darkness stands and has his hand raised.

Sammy Eubanks: Here is your winner...DAAAAAAAAAAAAARKNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESS!!!!!!!!!!!

With a look of grim determination, Darkness takes hold of the chain as he stares down at Shadow's prone form and, without blinking, snaps the metal links in two, breaking the chain with his bare hands.

Tex: My God...that is terrifying.

Banter: What a travesty...

Cain: Darkness advances to the next round, but one member of Infinity he will not be facing in the quarter finals is the Titanium Insomniac. We'll have to wait and see just what the fallout of the apparent sound error earlier will be.

Cain: Fans trust me when I say that you do NOT want to miss TCW Retribution - LIVE from Plaza De Ventas!!"

Banter: "Where is that?"

Tex: "That's in Spain Banter."

Banter: "Ah crap I hate spaghetti"

Cain: "... right"

Tex: "When TCW does a PPV they do it right, the finals of the Majestic Tournament will be a four way elimination match between Matt Strikmore, the Technician, Darkness and Drakus"

Cain: "WOW"

Banter: "Wow is right, the winner will get a half million dollars, a giant trophy and most importantly the power to make any match he desires no questions asked"

Cain: "WOW again"

Tex: "And news flash!! We actually have a competitive tag division beyond just the champ and 1 challenger"

Cain: "You're lying!"

Tex: "Nope things are really picking up."

Cain: "And that's not to mention that Kojack will defend against Dick Flehr and we've just been told that DeadZone's victory over the Italian Stallions earned him a shot at the Transcontinental title"

Banter: "I'm looking forward to THAT!"

Tex: "All that and definitely much, much more as we'll be feeling the fall out of Revolucion I'm sure"

Cain: "You know you want it fans, once we go off the air RUN! Don't walk but run to the phone and order TCW Retribution!!"


Jason Dante Vs HighOne

Sammy Eubanks: The following non-title match is scheduled for one fall...

Tex: Well, we've already seen plenty of drama tonight and with the final four of the Majestic Cup decided, you might think things are about to calm down.

Banter: If they think that, they don't know TCW very well!

Cain: That's one thing we all agree on. This match is hotly anticipated; the de facto leaders of the company's two emergent factions - Infinity and The New Hellfire Club - will face off one-on-one.

Banter: And don't forget that they're both world champions!

Tex: Highone is just the Transcontinental Champion, Banter...

Banter: That's what ‘Transcontinental' means, dummy - it means it crosses all the continents. Highone is the champion of all of them; therefore he's the champion of the world.

Cain: What about the oceans?

Banter: Who is he? Aquaman? No one cares about oceans.

Tex: Well, that's a discussion for another time. Both championships are prestigious, but Dante is the one with the big gold and white belts around his waist. Not only is the pride of each faction on the line, but also you can bet your life that Highone is looking forward to the chance to get a win over the Unified World's Champion and maybe earn himself a title shot after he was ejected from the tournament by Darkness and Dante.

Banter: Which was a travesty, by the way. I'm looking forward to seeing Dante get his just deserts tonight.

Blackness fills the arena as all the lights go out. The crowd buzzes, unsure of which wrestler is about to emerge.

"Renegade, never been afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day. Cause I'm a renegade, never been afraid to talk about anything..."

...the sound of a record scratch and loud boos across the arena.

<i>Fuck with your soul like ether,
Teach you the King, you know you,
"God's son" across the belly,
Lose? I prove you lost already... </i>


A spotlight shines on the top of the entrance ramp. Highone steps from behind the curtain and stops. Gone are the bubble-butted BET beauties. The pristine white of his gi has been replaced with jet black. A few seconds later, a hoodie-wearing Nas steps out with a microphone in hand, kicking one of his most notorious tracks, "Ether". The legendary rapper and TCW Transcontinental champion touch fists and then start walking down to the ring. The normal jovial Highone looks dead serious.

<i>Brace yourself for the main event,
Y'all impatiently waitin,
It's like an aids test, what's the results?
Not positive, who's the best? Nas, Pac, and BIG,
Ain't no best, east, west, north, south, flossed out, greedy,
I embrace y'all with napalm,
Blows up, no guts, left chest, face gone
How could Infinity be garbage?
Semi-autos at your cartilege
Burner at the side of your dome, come outta my throne
I got this, locked since '0-1
I am the truest, name a fedder that I ain't influenced?
Gave y'all chapters but now I keep my eyes on the Judas
With Michael Joyeux fame, kept my name in his feudin...
Check it.. </i>

The Infinity captain does not acknowledge the fans, shrugging off their jeers and taunts.

<i>Yo pass me the weed, pour my ashes out on these D&D fiends,
Ay, y'all losers, y'all kneel and kiss the fuckin ring.
I've been fucked over, left for dead, dissed and fogotten,
Luck ran out, they hoped that I'd be gone, stiff and rotten,
Y'all just piss on me, shit on me, spit on my grave,
Talk about me, laugh behind my back but in my face,
Y'all some "well wishers," friendly actin, envy hidin snakes.
With your hands out for my money, man, how much can I take?
When these streets keep callin, heard it when I was asleep,
That this second-coming and soon to be going faction wanted beef,
Started cockin up my weapon, slowly loadin up this ammo,
To explode it on an albino, and his soldiers, I can handle. </i>

Highone pauses in front of the ring-steps, then slowly walks up them and climbs between the ropes. Once in the center of the ring, he holds his right fist up in the air, gold Infinity ring shining, and bows his head. The spotlight glistens off of his TC Championship and Nas' platinum chain, unfortunately blinding a fan who looks directly at them.

<i>Y'all deal with emotions like bitches,
What's sad is I love you 'cause you're my brother,
You traded your soul for riches,
My child, I've watched you grow up to be famous,
And now I smile like a proud dad, watchin his only son that made it.
You seem to be only concerned with dissin women,
Were you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly?
Well life is hard, hug me, don't reject me
Or make posts to disrespect me, blatent or indirectly
In '88 you was gettin chased through your buildin,
Callin my crib and I ain't even give you my numbers.
All I did was gave you a style for you to run with.
Smilin in my face, glad to break bread with the God,
Wearin jazz chains, no cash, no cars.
You a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a Stan.
I still whip your ass, you thirty-somethin in a Karate class
You Tae-Bo ho, tryna' work it out, you tryna' get brolic?
Ask me if i'm tryna' kick knowledge?
Nah, i'm tryna' kick the shit you need to learn though.
That ether, that shit that make your soul burn slow
Is he Dame Diddy, Dame Daddy or Dame Dummy?
Oh, I get it, you Biggie and he's Puffy.
The Hellfire club already died, that was the end of its chapter,
And that's the group y'all chose to name your faction after?
Put it together, I rock girls, y'all rock fellas,
And now y'all try to take my spot, fellas?
Philly's hot rock fellas, put you in a dry spot, fellas
In a pine box with nine shots from my glock, fellas
Selenia got you hot 'cause you kept your face in her puss
What you think, you gettin girls now 'cause of your looks?
Al-bino please!
You no mustache havin, with whiskers like a rat
Compared to a jobber you whack...

Fuck with your soul like ether,
Teach you the King, you know you,
"God's son" across the belly,
Lose? I prove you lost already... </i>

The music begins to fade into the loud booing of the audience.

Tex: Not a reaction Highone will appreciate, I'm sure. No doubt Infinity has their fans, but their actions over the past few weeks have not endeared them to the general public.

Banter: What's wrong with these people? Infinity have brought hot women to the ring, they've thrown huge parties, they drink nothing but the finest champagne - who wouldn't love guys like that?!

Cain: No one likes show-offs, Banter...


The burning pentagram of the NHFC appears on the Twistedtron as the lights go out. Silhouetted in the entrance Dante can be seen standing on one knee before Selenia. Acolyte stands beside Dante. All during the intro of Dante's familiar entrance theme "Spit shine" by Carfax Abbey, he remains on one knee before his beloved Selenia.

<i>I'm not too hell bent on your cradled views.
I'm not too hell bent on spit shined shoes.
I'm not too hell bent on your broken prayer.
I'm not too hell bent nor do I care. </i>

Selenia places her hand on Dante's cheek and slowly he gets to his feet. As he and Selenia are face to face, he kisses her and turns around throwing out one arm to each side, belts in hand, and tilting his head back as the fans chant his name.

<i>I'm not your spitshine.
I'm not your spitshine.
I'm not your dirty whore.
Must I constantly remind you I am not the tie that binds you not your masterpiece or your reward? </i>

Selenia and Acolyte take up position on each side of Dante as the darkness is replaced by deep red lightning.

<i>Tell me what you want from me.
Tell me who you want me to be.
Self portrait of yourself you see in me.
Don't go trying to fix me.
Not a fucking thing wrong with me.
Not some sculpture you can mould out of clay.</i>

Sammy Eubanks: And his opponent...accompanied to the ring by Selenia and Acolyte...weighing in at 242 pounds..from the City of Dis in the 6th circle of hell... HE IS A MEMBER OF THE NEW HELLFIIIIIIIIRE CLUB AND THE 411FED AND ECF UNIFIED WORLD'S CHAMPION....JAAAAAAAAAAAAASOOOOOOOOOON DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<i>I'm not your spit shine.
I'm not your spit shine.
I'm not your dirty whore.
Must I constantly remind you I am not the tie that binds you not your masterpiece or your reward? </i>

The lights come back on as Dante, Acolyte and Selenia all enter the ring. Dante stands in the middle of the canvas and drops to one knee, extending his arms with a title belt on each and his beloved Selenia on his right side and Acolyte on the left.

<i>I'm not your spit shine.
I am cancer's Christ.
I'll make you little whore.
I hope you choke on my own cyanide.
Tastes like cancer on the inside.
Once I take you, then you'll be pure.</i>

Dante leans over to Selenia and they share one last kiss before the match, Dante the turns to Acolyte and Jason Dante and Cordazer Smith shakes hands. Selenia takes off his jacket and he hands his mirrored shades to Acolyte. Silently, his two companions both leave the ring.

Tex: Well you heard it, folks - the ECF and 411fed Unified World Champion. No titles on the line, but you can bet your bottom dollar that Dante doesn't want to lose this one.

Cain: No one ever wants to be the one with their shoulders pinned to the mat when the bell rings, Tex, but in this case a loss would certainly hurt Dante's credentials and maybe push Highone through the stratosphere. Nothing on the line, and yet neither man can afford to lose here.

Highone and Dante stand face-to-face in the ring, their eyes locked. The bell is the only thing that breaks their deadlock and, slowly, both men start to circle.

Banter: Listen to the fans; they can't get enough of Highone!

Tex: Exactly who they're cheering for may be debatable, but one thing's for sure, all 30,000 of the Puerto Rican fans here tonight are rabid to see this contest.

The two men lock up to start. Highone gets a side headlock straight away but Dante whips him off the ropes and goes low, Highone leapfrogs him and Dante hopes up to grab a hiptoss as his opponent comes back off the opposite ropes.

Highone is up quickly and they exchange armdrags. As both men roll to their feet they clench their fists and crouch slightly, standing off as the fans applaud.

Cain: Dante and Highone are taking their measure of each other - they seem evenly matched at this stage.

Tex: Evenly matched is the word. Highone holds a pinfall victory over Dante of course, having won the Bleeder title from him last year in one hell of a match.

Banter: Has Highone held every title? What a guy!

Tex: If my memory serves, Highone has been Bleeder, tag team and, of course, he's the current TC champ.

Banter: Can Dante say that? I don't think so!

Cain: Dante held the old Intercontinental title but other than that he matches Highone's achievements - plus he has the world titles.

Banter: If you ask me, any belt Highone hasn't held is hardly worth having anyway.

In the ring Highone gets a wristlock and twists it into a hammerlock. Dante reverses into a hammerlock of his own and the TC champion gets reversal but this time Dante rolls through and kips up out of it, grabbing a sleeper as he hops up behind Highone.

Tex: Dante is in control, but for how long?

Highone struggles for a few moments before reaching out and grabbing the ropes. Dante immediately breaks the hold and steps back, flexing his arms. Highone comes bacl with a kick and Irish whips him off the ropes. He gets a big back body drop and immediately attempts a pin..., Dante kicks out straight away.

Banter: Oooh! Close!

Cain: Not really.

Tex: Right, it's way too early for a pin, but clearly Highone isn't going to miss an opportunity to beat Dante whenever it comes.

Dante is up and Highone gets a front facelock before muscleing Dante into the corner. The referee calls for the break and Highone abides but doesn't hesitate to come back with a cheap shot, drawing boos from the crowd.

Highone plays to the fans with a smirk, but Dante takes him down with a forearm. The world champion grabs an armbar, but Highone rolls out and trips Dante. He goes for a pin again....

One...and another quick kickout.

Cain: Dante isn't looking troubled so far, but eventually one of these covers is going to work if he keeps them coming thick and fast like this.

Highone whips Dante into the corner and follows him in with a knee lift. He turns the albino's chest red with a series of knife-edge chops and then lets Dante stumble out into a gutwrench suplex.. He tries yet another pin...

Not even a one-count as Dante kicks out this time though.

Highone lays in a few punches and picks Dante up. He performs a quick armdrag and chains it into a cross-armbreaker, but Dante reaches the ropes. The referee begins to count Highone out when he doesn't release the hold...




And Highone finally relents, standing up and hopping lightly from foot to foot.He waits for Dante to rise and aims a kick at him, but Dante catches it. Dante responds with a hard chop to the chest while he still holds Highone's leg and then lifts him up onto his shoulders in one smooth movement. Highone hangs in place for a seconds as Dante tries to retain his balance...

Cain: I think the champ is looking for a death valley driver...

But Highone reverses and pulls Dante down into a crucifix pin...



And Dante kicks out!

Tex: A near fall there. Highone may be starting to gain the advantage.

Dante hops up to his feet in a split second and charges, flooring Highone with a clothesline. He picks Highone up by the hair and executes a scoop slam, trying a cover of his own straight after...

One...and Highone powers out.

Dante stands but Highone is straight up and deals out another knife edge chop that sends the champ into the corner, only to be whipped into the opposite corner. Highone follows with a running shoulder and then stands back, letting Dante stagger forward before grabbing his head and running up the ropes onto the turnbuckle.

Tex: Impressive agility from the Transcontinental Champion!

Highone swings off the turnbuckle with a huge tornado DDT and immediately covers again...


Thr...and Dante just gets a shoulder up!

Cain: Dante was just a hair away from losing this then. Highone is showing he has the resources to give the world champion the fight he deserves.

Banter: I can't wait till he starts handing Dante the ass kicking he deserves!

Highone waits for Dante to stand and then gives him a belly-to-belly suplex. He goes for a sleeper but Dante fights out with elbows and whips Highone off the ropes. Dante attempts a back body drop, lifting Highone up into the air, but the Infinity member reverses in mid-air, executing another tornado DDT that plants Dante's had hard into the canvas.

Tex: The tide is turning in Highone's favour - we could be about to see a huge upset!

Highone doesn't go for the pin, instead pausing to catch his breath before whipping Dante into the corner. Highone comes in with some quick punches and kicks before the referee calls for the break. The slightly larger man separates but then nails a kick to the stomach.

Cain: We've seen this many times before, it could be over right here!

Highone springboards off the second rope, his leg outstretched for the Leopard Onslaught, but Dante ducks back, avoiding the strike by a hair.

Banter: Damn!

Tex: Dante is not short of resources himself.

Dante hits back a series of chops to Highone's chest. He whips Highone into the turnbuckle at close range, causing him to hit it chest first. Groggy from the impact, Highone staggers back and walks right into a dragon suplex which Dante bridges into a pin...


Two..., Highone kicks out!

Tex: Amazing back and forth action in this match. It's hard to pick between either man. Your thoughts, Isaiah?

Cain: The momentum is swinging from Highone to Dante with every move. I thought Highone had it won there, but the tide has turned abruptly with a huge suplex from Dante which would be enough to end most matches. I can't call this one. Banter?

Banter: Highone to win!

Dante begins to take control. He Irish whips Highone again and floors him with a yakuza kick on the way back. He lifts up the groggy Infinity member and hefts him up on his shoulders again, but Highone wriggles out and gets a school boy roll up...


But it's not nearly enough as Dante kicks out.

Dante is up right away and nails Highone with a drop kick. Highone is down and Dante tries to get a sleeper, but Highone is in the ropes. He waits for Dante to back off before standing up and then holds his hands out as if appealing to his opponent.

Cain: Looks like Highone needs some breathing room haha...

Banter: Wouldn't you need some time to recover if you were halfway to kicking the world champion's ass?

Tex: Ah, so I see the world championship is something important when it's Highone in control?

Banter: I'm just trying to bring my commentary down to your level. Dante will always be the guy who lost to Dorkness to me.

Cain: No shame in that...

Banter: No shame in losing to a dork? No wonder only ECF would employ you.

Dante looks at Highone sardonically before appealing to the crowd. As they jeer, he charges, but Highone is ready for him and pulls the ropes down, letting him tumble outside and down to the floor.

Banter: Hahahaha...Highone should join mensa. He'd show that Davey Hawkings a thing or two!

Highone rolls out of the ring and stomps Dante down. With a determined look, he whips the albino into the steps, sending him crashing over to land hard on his back.

Tex: Dante is tough, but those unyielding steel steps are going to take their toll on even his iron constitution.

(Referee: One!)

Dante gets up to his knees and Highone leaps off the steps, looking for the Leopard Onslaught again with his leg outstretched but Dante once again dodges and comes back with a forearm that sends Highone sprawling onto the announce table.

(Referee: Two!)

Cain: Okay, I was getting bored of sitting here anyway...

(Referee: Three!)

The announce team moves back as Dante, grimacing with obvious pain, climbs up onto the table and lifts Highone up. He turns him around and reaches through his legs, flipping him up with a pumphandle and onto one shoulder.

(Referee: Four!)

Tex: Oh no! Dante is looking for the Hellfire Driver right through the table!

But Highone struggles out of his grip and falls down behind Dante. The world champion tries to turn, but Highone roughly pushes him, sending him flying off the table and over the guardrail, down into the crowd area.

(Referee: Five!)

Highone pauses, looking down at Dante's prone form on the concrete. Steeling himself, he takes a few steps and throws himself off with a body splash.

Cain: Highone is taking a huge risk!

(Referee: Six!)

And it doesn't pay off as Dante rolls out of the way and Highone eats concrete. Dante rolls up to his feet and glances over at the ring as Highone writhes in agony.

(Referee: Seven!)

With a start, Dante realises he's about to be counted out and clambers over the guardrail.

(Referee: Eight!)

And throws himself into the ring and right out again, stopping the count at nine.

Tex: A close call for both Dante and Highone there.

As Highone staggers up Dante comes back for him and manages to punch him in the gut before smashing Dante's head into the guardrail and rolls him over it. Highone slowly climbs over and raises his arm, his fingertips pressed together menacingly.

Banter: This is going to be over very soon!

(Referee: One!)

Dante staggers upright and Highone's arm whips out, striking Dante on the collar bone.

Tex: Snake Strike!

(Referee: Two!)

Dante's face locks into a grimace of pain and shock as the nerve strike causes him to drop to his knees. Highone smirks, but the expression vanishes from his face as Dante clenches his fists and begins to pull himself back up to his feet.

Cain: Incredible! Does Dante have the strength of will to resist the paralysing effect of Highone's Snake Strike?

(Referee: Three!)

Acolyte leaves his position at ringside and rushes over to help his employer and stable-mate, but Dante holds up a hand to stop him getting involved. Highone raises his hand for a second Snake Strike...

(Referee: Four!)

Tex: Dante is mighty indeed, but he won't survive a second attack to his pressure points like that...

From nowhere, Dante suddenly headbutts Highone, sending him flying to the floor. He moves slowly, trying to shake the effects of the Snake Strike off. He moves towards Highone as if wading through mud and this gives the TC champion time to recover as gets a drop toe hold and brings Dante down hard.

(Referee: Five!)

Highone tries to muscle Dante back into the ring, but Dante punches him in the gut. With a groan of effort, Dante lifts Highone up onto his shoulders and finally brings him down with the death valley driver, collapsing with the effort afterwards.

Tex: Both men are down!

(Referee: Six!)

Cain: Acolyte is hovering nearby. Dante doesn't want him involved, clearly, but this match has taken its toll on both men and they look drained.

(Referee: Seven!)

Dante tries to get up, but Highone pulls at his tights and brings him down, heaving himself up at the same time. He stomps Dante's face and the picks him up, trying to smash him into the ring post, but the world champion resists and gets an ace crusher in response.

Tex: Huge counter, but it's helped no one...

(Referee: Eight!)

Again, both men stagger to their feet, but Highone is up marginally faster and brings Dante down with a jawbreaker.

(Referee: Nine!)

Highone turns suddenly, realising he's nearly counted out and starts to move towards the ring. He doesn't have the strength to dive in, so awkwardly clambers up the apron, trying to get under the ropes...

Referee: Ten!!!

The bell rings and Highone slumps down dejectedly.

Sammy Eubanks: Ladies and gentleman, as a result of a double count-out, both men have been DISQUALIFIED!

The crowd boos at the unpopular result and Highone looks just as annoyed. With an enraged look plastered across his face, he viciously stomps Dante down.

Tex: It's a damn shame to see a match like this end this way, but dammit, Highone is acting like a spoilt child!

Banter: He's pissed off, Tex. Let's watch him give Dante the ass kicking he's earned by being selfish and getting both of them DQ'd.

Cain: There was no element of self-preservation from either competitor; both of them tried to break the count, but Highone just wasn't fast enough to do it the second time.

Outside the ring, Highone continues to stomp again, finally resulting in Acolyte wading in and hauling Highone off his feet, tossing him through the air. The crowd cheers as the blonde man bellows in defiance and helps Dante to his feet.

Tex: Wait, who's that?!

Hardy bolts down the entrance ramp and dives into the ring. Dante and Acolyte both turn a second too late to see the young man leap up to the top tope and barrel at them with a corkscrew plancha that floors both New Hellfire Club members.

Cain: This is breaking down before our very eyes!

The bell rings a few times, but no one pays any attention as Highone and Hardy roll Dante and Acolyte into the ring. Hardy helps Highone up and the two Infinity members begin to stomp down their white-clad foes. Outside the ring, Selenia is shouting at her lover's aggressors but they pay her no attention. The two on two brawl is quickly turned into a 4 on 2 affair as Shadow and DeSean come through the curtains heading to the ring.

Tex: This does NOT look good for the New Hellfire Club!

Banter. Yeah but you've got to like Infinity's chances.

Shadow enters the ring but before DeSean can slide into the ring a guy comes leaping out of the crowd, knocking the Technician down.

Tex: Wait, who's that?! Is!

Banter: He's so excited about being back in the ring that he accidentally knocked DeSean down!

Cain: Are you sure?

Cameron Jones, a.k.a. Plausible Deniability stands over the Technician with his fists clenched and an angry look on his face. He isn't wearing his Infinity ring, but that's no surprise as it was last seen in Darkness's possession.

Banter: Now we're talking! Infinity to the max!

Tex: Well Hardy and Highone certainly look pleased to see their stable-mate.

Hardy and Highone exchange grins since they didn't see PD knock DeSean down. Shadow steps through the ropes and confronts PD. Without hesitation, PD charges him and takes his heads off with a huge clothesline to a massive pop from the crowd!

Cain: Wow!

Banter: What the hell?!


PD stands tall on the floor with a big grin on his face as he looks down at the tag-team champions, but his triumph is short-lived as the Hammer comes sprinting towards the ring and the RoXorZ are still standing.

Cain: Here comes the Hammer, instantly skewing the odds back in Infinity's favour!

Tex: All hell is breaking loose!

Acolyte and Dante are both back up, but they don't long stay upright as Hammer slides in the ring and the three Infinity members start to beat on them. Shadow gets back up brings PD down with a forearm and he and DeSean begin beating down the man who Blackwell has replaced as tag champion alongside Shadow. Acolyte stands his ground beside the still groggy Dante, but Hammer smashes a big fist into his jaw, sending him staggering.

Banter: This is more like it!

Dante tries to defend himself, but in his injured and exhausted condition he can do little against the fresher Hammer, who rears back his right fist and smashes it right into Dante's face, nearly turning him inside out.

Tex: The Hammer of Doom! Dante might be out cold!

Hammer then turns his attention to Acolyte who is stumbling upright. With a grimace he takes hold of the much larger man and lifts him up onto his shoulders facing upwards.

Tex: Oh no...

Cain: This doesn't look good for Acolyte!

The Hammer grins and moves towards the ropes, before executing the Burning Hammer and throwing Acolyte over the ropes to land with a sickening crunch on the floor below.


Cain: Aco looks hurt! We need some EMTs out here!

Banter: This is insane!

In the ring, Hammer and the RoZorz continue their assault on PD and Dante, throwing smirks and crotch chops with abandon as the crowd boos heavily and begins to throw trash into the ring. Shadow rolls PD into the ring to get all the forces together but Plausible Deniability isn't about to give up and jumps DeSean with a stinging right when he enters the ring.

Banter: Notice how he's only targeting the tag-team champions?

Tex: I did yes

Cain: You know I can't really picture Plausible Deniability as a member of the New Hellfire Club.


Though it's the third time they've heard it tonight, the fans in the arena still rise to their feet at the sound of Darkness's music.

Tex: Things are about to pick up! The NHFC just found their equaliser!

A massive pyro erupts from the entrance and ‘Fear of the Dark' skips forward to the point where the music kicks in and Darkness hurtles down the ramp. Immediately he dives into the ring, scattering his enemies with kicks and punches.

Tex: Blackout Slam to The Hammer!

As the Muslim hits the canvas, Darkness throws a leg out and superkicks Shadow out of the ring. Highone, Hardy and DeSean take a powder as Darkness stalks the ring, checking on Dante and PD although Plausible Deniability seems to want nothing to do with Darkness.

Cain: Darkness has cleaned house!

Banter: Infinity aren't done yet! It's just the calm before the storm!

DeSean launches himself back into the ring with a steel chair and smashes it over Darkness's skull, knocking him back against the ropes.

Tex: DeSean just busted Darkness wide open! Revenge, perhaps, for what he experienced at the hands of Darkness at Havoc...?

Cain: Blackwell and Darkness are both through to the next round of the Majestic Cup, but the young Infinity member has been highly vocal about how he resents Darkness's ‘charity' in insisting he should be a wildcard.

Darkness dabs at the blood on his forehead with a finger before glowering at DeSean and barrelling into him with a spear, laying in right and left hands to the young man in the center of the ring as the two men let their fists do the talking and they're talking mighty fast tonight.

Banter: Why aren't Highone and Hardy helping The Technician?

Tex: Maybe they know something we don't...

Drum beats echo across the arena and a pop like no other sounds. Darkness's head jerks up and his grey eyes focus on the entrance way.




The drums continue to beat with a bass that seems to shake the ring as P Diddy extols along with the deep, primal rhythm.

<i>Uh-huh, Yeah,
Uh-huh, Yeah, uuh
Uh-huh, Yeah, uuh
Uh-huh, Yeah, uuh
Uh-huh, Yeah, uuh
Uh-huh, Yeah, Yeah

Hear my cries
Hear my call
Lend me your ears
See my fall
See my error
Know my faults
Time halts
See my loss
Know I'm lacking
Where I met you
Pistol packing
Itchy finger
Trigger happy
Try to trap me
Bad rap
Wiretap me
Back-stab me
Break the faith
Fall from grace
Tell me lies
Time flies
Close your eyes

Come with me...</i>

Darkness is on his feet, his fists clenched and his teeth bared as the Titanium Insomniac, still covered in dirt after being extricated from the mound of earth in which he was buried, appears on the entrance ramp.

<i>Come with me, Yeah
Come with me, Uh-huh, Yeah

You said to trust you
You'd never hurt me
Now I'm disgusted
Since then adjusted
Certainly you fooled me
Ridiculed me
Left me hanging
Now shit is boomeranging
Right back at you
Think long range
Left me blinded
I cosigned it
Shit backfired
But I'm bouncing back
I grinded
Not many would bear the pressure
You comprehend me
You want to end me
You offend me
It's trauma
Feel the trauma
Come with me...</i>

The two men's eyes are locked as TI calmly approaches, the grip on his cane tightening.

Tex: Earlier tonight, Darkness's music played and cost the Insomniac his match and his place in the Majestic Cup.

Banter: And now it's payback time!

Cain: And let's not forget what TI said about Darkness when he returned at Endgame...

Tex: The legendary Titanium Insomniac, member of Infinity, is about to take the fight to the icon, the New Hellfire Club founder, Darkness. This is the confrontation we've been waiting for!

<i>Yeah, Uh-huh, ah ha
Come with me, Don't be afraid, yeah
Come with me

I close my eyes
And I see..
You standing there
I cry...
Of sorrow...
I die....

Uh-huh, Yeah...</i>

Outside the ring, a very worried Selenia is checking on Acolyte who doesn't look like he's in a good shape while the members of Infinity move towards the ramp, flanking TI as he approaches the ring. Dante slowly pulls himself to his feet and stands behind Darkness.

<i>Fuck my enemies
Fuck my foes
Damn these hoes
You're stepping on my toes
Back up off me
Take your hands off me
Give me room to breathe
I'm not hearing it
I'm not fearing it
I'm up to my ears in it
Bullshit I'm destructive
Some women find that seductive
Some say it's lunacy
Reluctantly I've been moving on
I ignore you
Sorry if I bore you
I neglect you
Don't mean to disrespect you
Can't you see
I love you dearly
And that sincerely
But you annoy me
You can't avoid me
I'm here to stay
Forever and ever and a day
That's never
I can't let you go
I can't forget it
Why you did it
I won't permit it
And won't acquit it
I want to fight you
I'll fucking bite you
Can't stand nobody like you
You can't run
You can't hide
No surprise
Close your eyes...</i>

Slowly, TI climbs into the ring and steps through the ropes.

Tex: Folks, we're almost out of time! We need to go!

Banter: Oh no, no, no we got a little more time

<i>Come with me, yeah
Come with me
Yeah, like this
Come on, Come on
Yeah turn me up, turn me up
Yeah yeah yeah, come on now, Yeah...</i>

Titanium Insomniac and Darkness stand face-to-face, their gaze hasn't broken since TI entered the ring area. The fans have reached fever pitch in anticipation of the match to end all matches; TI versus Darkness, Infinity versus The New Hellfire Club and somewhere, somehow Plausible Deniability fits into it all.

They pause...

Darkness flinches, Titanium Insomniac reacts like only he can with an elbow to Darkness' jaw that signals one thing and one thing only "It's ON!!" Hammer and Hardy both rush Dante while Shadow and the Technician resume their fight with Plausible Deniability. HighOne holds back for a moment but the second Darkness looks like he's about to let loose on Titanium Insomniac he rushes in and plants a knee in Darkness' kidney.

Tex: They're totally outmatched!!

Banter: Well what do you expect? It's a 6 on 3 situation and Infinity damn well knows how to use the numbers game to their advantage.

Cain: and Infinity is a UNIT until 2 minutes ago Plausible Deniability was an enemy!

Banter: PD is here for his own sake not Dante or Darkness or Acolyte's!!

Hammer and Hardy have the world champion trapped in the corner with Hammer doing a number on the champs ribs. Going on pure piss and vinegar Plausible Deniability is actually able to knock Shadow out of the ring before being taken down by The Technician from behind.

Tex: CHAIR!!


HighOne cracks Darkness over the skull drawing even more blood from the slay. Darkness is staggered but not out, only that doesn't help him much as Titanium Insomniac locks on the Sweet Irony sleeper on Darkness. Suddenly the curtains move once more as Jack Frost and Kojack come running down the aisle and tackle Shadow before the tag-team champ can get back in the ring.


Banter: If you're gonna attack a guy it's best to do it when he's got his back to the ring.

Cain: Blitzkrieg have been very vocal in their desire to get a tag-team title shot, they're tired of waiting.

With a Pier 26 brawl going on in the ring and Titanium Insomniac trapping the bloodied Darkness in the Sleeper Tex says the fateful words.


Fade out...

© 2006 TCW - Upping workrates by reading faster

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:58 am
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