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Twisted Experience and TCW - View topic - 2007 EWI RESULTS
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Linda McMahon
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Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:01 pm
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THE 2007 EWI

Ladies, gentlemen and Coren, welcome to the 2007 edition of the EWI, the (kind of) annual awards for our e-fedding community where we honour the people that you all voted for in the various categories. Over the course of the evening, we'll be running down the top three places for each of the categories before finally revealing the EWI Top 20, where you can find out who was voted into the top 20 Wrestlers of the Year!

Note: please don't reply in this thread, instead use the separate discussion thread.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

I have some shit on Kindle too: ,

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:08 pm
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Linda McMahon
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Best Angle

3rd: Darkness and the Promethean Ring
(Thommy H, with contributions from Misfit, Magnus, Freya and Bleeder)

Thommy H is well known for building Darkness's long-running, continuity-heavy story from a series of overlapping ‘story arcs' of which "The Promethean Ring" was the latest. Based around the core concept of "all mythologies tell the same story", The Promethean Ring arc posited a view of the universe in which all gods and mythological figures (including Darkness himself) belonged to a single pantheon with different names. In this environment, Darkness was sent on a quest by Odin to recover the titular Ring, an artefact that could close the Gates of Hell. While searching, his life began to reflect the mythological tales of mysterious rings throughout history, forcing Darkness to run the gamut of morality and coming close to betraying everything he stood for. The story ended with a journey to Hell and the Ring eventually coming into the possession of Freya, who refused to give it to Darkness on the basis that he had no right to seal off Hell forever, much to the hero's consternation.

2nd: The New Hellfire Club vs. Infinity
(Highone, David Hardy, Shadow, DeSean Blackwell, Hammer, Titanium Insomniac, PD, Bleeder, Thommy H, Magnus, Freya, DeadZone, Misfit and Ghetto)

Infinity formed in the first half of 2006 along with a number of other stables, including the Slaughterhouse Five and Blitzkrieg. It wasn't long until the team of renegades asserted their dominance by destroying all their rivals but, unfortunately for them, a more powerful enemy was waiting in the wings. Formed initially by Dante, Darkness and Acolyte, the New Hellfire Club was a resurrection of the original Hellfire Club (started by Bleeder), but this time as babyfaces rather than heels. The war between the NHFC and Infinity continued throughout 2006, with neither side gaining much headway, but with both stables adding members to their original line up. In 2007, Infinity held their own PPV in Belfast named "Apeirophobia" (the fear of infinity) where various Infinity members received shots at the belts they had stolen from their legitimate holders, including a World Title shot for Infinity's leader, Highone. Sadly, while Infinity won many of their matches against other members of the fed, they couldn't overcome the NHFC and, even though Freya was forced to fight DeadZone in an inferno match, Darkness, Misfit and Joyride (who joined Infinity after the match) defeated Shadow, TI and Hammer and, most importantly, Dante forced Highone to tap out in the main event. After this, Infinity never really recovered and most of their original members retired or went on hiatus, leaving the NHFC the victors purely by default.

Joint 1st: The Masked Man
(Thommy H)

After Acid Jackrabbit left FWRFed to its own devices, it was taken over by the TCW Creative Team, principally Misfit and Coren, but they were aided by one of FWRFed's prominent members who went by the name ‘Rage' - know better to most as Thommy H. Thommy suggested a long-term angle that would give the FWRFed World Champion, Malaki, something to do while a tournament was held for the number one contendership. His intention was that Malaki would rack up a defence or two to legitimise the belt before he had a ‘real' match for it. The resulting angle was "The Masked Man" - an attack on Malaki by a mysterious assailant who stole his title belt. For the next few months, the Masked Man tormented Malaki and various other members of FWRFed until he actually managed to bully his way into a real title match. The belt was contested in a ladder match between the Masked Man and Malaki, which the latter won after reversing an Ace Crusher from the top of the ladder. After the match, Malaki unmasked his foe with the help of the rest of the FWRFed roster, revealing that the man behind the mask was none other than the Jackrabbit himself! FWRFed's former owner explained that he had taken on the role of a masked tormentor in order to bring FWRFed together and make them stronger. His mission complete, he disappeared and was never seen again.

Joint 1st: Underground vs. Corporation

FWRFed's second major angle - and the one still ongoing - was a civil war. Brent Powers, General Manager of FWRFed was charged by the mysterious Board of Directors to regain control of their company, so he formed the Corporation with the likes of JE, Brian Malone and TCW's Southern Wrecking Crew. Creating the Revolution Title as a vanity belt for JE and interfering in the main event of Revolution to ensure that no one won. Disgusted by the events, Malaki called a meeting in the locker room and drew a figurative "line in the sand", asking the members of the roster to either stand with him or against him in resisting the Corporation. Those who joined Malaki were named "The Underground" and the battle between the two factions has continued ever since. The angle is notable for its nature as only a starting point - the only thing planned by its original creator, Thommy H, was the original situation with the formation of The Corporation. Everything after Malaki's speech was left entirely up to the FWRFed members who were all asked to pick a faction based on in-character motivations and, since then, many alliances have been made and broken as members of both factions have defected or gone their own way. There were many instances of "meta-gaming" too, with in-character messages sent between members of opposing sides asking them to consider defecting and the ever-present possibility that anyone could affect the future booking of the fed simply by switching sides: Thommy has promised that the Underground vs. Corporation war will, in time, become a genuine competition that will affect the future of FWRFed.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

I have some shit on Kindle too: ,

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:14 pm
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Linda McMahon
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Best Video

Joint 3rd: Dragonslayer ‘Tron
(The Kevino Experience)

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vnqgMrrKPzg"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vnqgMrrKPzg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Joint 3rd: Dante ‘Tron
(Thommy H and Magnus)

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/n2q6G0CV38E"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/n2q6G0CV38E" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

2nd: Darkness ‘Tron
(Thommy H and Magnus)

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/x3Mwo2lGdXU"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/x3Mwo2lGdXU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

1st: Dante vs. Darkness II Promo
(Thommy H and Magnus)

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jL0S_cVQBqM"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jL0S_cVQBqM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

I have some shit on Kindle too: ,

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:24 pm
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Linda McMahon
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Feud of the Year

Joint 3rd: Malaki vs. Alex Dragonslayer (FWRFed Intensity, August 2007)

At the BloodBath pay-per-view, Alex Dragonslayer shocked the wrestling world by revealing that he had a contract for a title shot after taking out Brian Malone and Gabriel Bathory in the main event. He cashed it in at the following Intensity, setting the stage for a great match. But, before that, the two men had to get to Toronto - not usually a difficult proposition, except that, on this occasion, the airport was taken over by Latin American terrorists! Dragonslayer and Malaki were forced to work together to escape their predicament, but ultimately it was the work of a former marine and Dragonslayer's then-fiancé Anna that ended the threat. This didn't stop Dragonslayer taking all the credit of course...

Joint 3rd: Freya vs. Darkness vs. Bleeder (TCW Majestic Cup, October 2007)

Though Freya and Darkness both seemed set to win their first-round matches in the Majestic Cup Tournament, Stern ended both contests prematurely and allowed their opponents to advance, claiming she had a special surprise for her two wayward stars. Darkness had other things on his mind however, as he journeyed into Hell itself in search of the Promethean Ring. Followed by Freya, Revenant and Llenlleawg, Darkness and his companions were scattered through Hell by the machinations of the Bleeder and were forced to survive using their own wits. Freya was given a guided tour courtesy of Bleeder's lover Ta-Te, while Revenant and Llenlleawg were captured by Lucifer himself. Darkness came to the rescue, but refused to fight his old enemy as Bleeder provided a distraction. Only Freya arriving - Promethean Ring in hand - made him decide to return and fight Lucifer and he emerged victorious over the First of the Fallen. Back home, Freya refused to give the Ring up to Darkness having seen firsthand that he had no right to seal of Hell forever. And Stern's surprise? Bleeder, of course.

2nd: Freya vs. Darkness (TCW Havoc, June 2007)

With Darkness at his most malevolent, he had declared himself Lucifer's Champion. Now intending to recruit an army of Shadowspawn to fight for him, he journeyed to Freya's hometown with Revenant. When Freya found out, she didn't hesitate to follow him in an attempt to stop him dragging her people into a conflict they had nothing to do with. In the werewolves' village, Darkness and Freya wound up being taken in by her brother Regin and witnessing the arrival of old enemy Fenris who attempted to turn the community against the new arrivals. Intending to argue at the meeting of the Council of Elders, Regin told Darkness to bide his time, but Freya discovered that Fenris had used his influence with their father to move the meeting forward. Rushing to the standing stones, Darkness, Revenant, Freya and Regin found themselves in a fight with Fenris, his henchmen and two monstrous two-headed dogs. They prevailed in the end, and realised that Fenris had been trying to keep his people away from the outside world so they wouldn't discover he had thrown in his lot with the Abyss. In the aftermath, though Freya still disliked the idea of werewolves becoming involved in Darkness's fight, she admitted that they had a right to chose for themselves as she had. Eventually, they left the forest with a group of young werewolves in tow that Freya dubbed "The Children".

1st: Darkness vs. Dante (TCW Endgame, July 2007)

The rematch to end all rematches, Darkness vs. Dante II was a year in the making. As the TCW circus made its way to Las Vegas, Darkness was already involved in a war on the streets - he, Revenant and The Children fought against legions of armoured vampires in the perpetual storm that seemed to envelope the world. While Dante searched for his destiny and was trained by his mysterious mentor Jed, Revenant was kidnapped by the vampire lord Skaar and his henchmen who had been pursuing her for over a year. Darkness and The Children mounted a rescue, but it turned out to be a ploy by Skaar to fool Darkness into thinking he could beat him. Dante returned to Vegas, intending to hunt down a second vampire who he believed was his brother, but this turned out to be another trick of Skaar's. With Dante and Darkness increasingly at odds, the two fought on a rooftop and Darkness nearly killed Dante. The World Champion's recovery was slow and he experienced a strange shared vision with the (also catatonic) Revenant that made him revise his opinion of his old friend. As Darkness rushed off to fight Skaar, led to the fight by Slayer-turned-vampire Baltic, Dante made an amazing recovery and went to The Children to arm himself with Darkness's guns which he hadn't taken since losing his hand made him unable to use them properly. At an abandoned amusement park, Darkness fought Skaar atop a huge crane and only Dante's timely intervention with the Eyes of God in hand saved him as the two men put aside their differences to defeat Skaar. A titanic battle ensued as The Children, the NHFC, Jed and Selenia and a group of Shadow Slayers fought against dozens of vampires until Dragon himself appeared, only to be driven off by the sight of his enemies united. In the aftermath of the events, Darkness was ordained as the First of the Shadow Slayers, finally reforming the Order while Dante had less happy fortunes, finding his company had been sold off to an old business rival - an arch-conservative named Tomas Novamori.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

I have some shit on Kindle too: ,

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:31 pm
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Linda McMahon
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Match of the Year

3rd: David Hardy vs. Kermit vs. JE for the TCW Aftershock Title at TCW Apeirophobia
(Written by David Hardy)

This match was the culmination of David Hardy's theft of the Aftershock Title in which the defending champion and his tag partner took him on in an effort to reclaim it. Kermit and JE's alliance fell apart as both men first tried to defeat Hardy, but then began to covet the victory for themselves. In a finish replete with near-fall after near-fall, Hardy finally pinned Kermit with the DKO to become the legitimate Aftershock Champion.

Joint 2nd: Freya vs. Darkness at TCW Havoc
(Written by Thommy H)

Just before Darkness received his shot at the World Titles, he first had to face his own stable-mate Freya. The smart money was on the number one contender, but Freya proved herself in an intense athletic contest that saw Darkness push his morals to the limit in an effort to beat her, only for the young woman to surprise everyone with a huge upset victory, adding her name to the short list of individuals to have beaten Darkness.

Joint 2nd: Malaki vs. The Masked Man for the FWRFed World's Heavyweight Championship at FWRFed Redemption
(Written by Thommy H)

After months of torment, Malaki finally got his chance to win back the World Title that had been stolen from him in a ladder match. With no champion's advantage for either man, the match was sure to be a close one, but Malaki had a lot of pent up aggression to release. The two men took each other to the limit, using the ladder to devastating effect and taking numerous huge falls before, in the final moments of the match, Malaki countered an ace crusher on top of the ladder, sending the masked man crashing to the mat below. Seizing the belt, Malaki redeemed himself and saved FWRFed from the masked man.

Joint 2nd: The 2007 TCW Road to Glory
(Written by Thommy H and Lance Canada)

TCW's Road to Glory is the biggest event of the year and 2007's was no exception. With twenty entrants and no end of big names, there was a lot of speculation over who would be the winner, but there were early favourites in Strikmore, Kermit, Freya, Darkness and the World Champion Dante. Darkness was the first to enter and, against the odds, lasted till the very end but was eliminated by Dante, making the World Champion the first man to win the RtG two years in a row, and the only World Champion to win in history.

1st: Darkness vs. Dante for the 411fed and ECF World's Unified Championship at TCW Endgame
(Written by Thommy H)

A year after their legendary first match, Darkness and Dante met at Endgame once again for the World Titles. Both men were evenly matched and, in the early going, no one had any clear advantage. Soon, the match spilled outside and both men were quickly bloodied, demolishing the Spanish announce table and forcing special guest referee Acid Misfit to help both his stable-mates back to the ring. In an amazing display of tenacity, Darkness resisted Dante's Gilded Cage, forcing the Champion to break his own signature hold in the effort of trying to make his opponent tap. Eventually, Darkness defeated Dante with a combination of the Darkshooter followed by the Darkness DDT, though not before both men kicked out of each other's finishers multiple times.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

I have some shit on Kindle too: ,

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:43 pm
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Linda McMahon
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Rookie of the Year

3rd: The Kevino Experience (Alex Dragonslayer and Atomic Welfare)

Kevino made his e-fedding debut in FWRFed, itself still finding its way and dominated by The Masked Man Angle. His first Character was a brash, arrogant hell conforming to a long held stereotype of British men. Preaching a refined image with a mean, violent streak, Alex Dragonslayer debuted by destroying Jobber Smiley Moore at FWRFed Redemption. Dragnslayer continued for the next couple of months as a midcarder, participating in the Battle Royale Qualifier for Road to Glory (eliminated by long time nemesis Gabriel Bathory) and battling with JE. Dragonslayer then began to move up the card, under the tutelage of Brian Malone before Dragonslayer joined the Corporation. Dragonslayer quickly left and participated in two title matches since. The first against JE and fellow Rookie Will Shamrock for the Revolution Title, and the session after in a World Title Match against Malaki. Dragonslayer has since reopened his rivalry with Gabriel Bathory and been revealed as the brother of William Shamrock, leaving a lot of issues for Kevino to tackle in FWR over the next year.

Atomic Welfare debuted in TCW at Apeirophobia earning 2 pinfalls in the S-Mart Invitational Tournament and has been a member of the TCW ever since (with the exception of a brief hiatus). After struggling initially with the Character, Atomic was rewritten as a gentically modified "homo-superior" with a murky past and under the watch from the government. Hopefully both of Kevino's characters evolve in the coming months.

2nd: Kamaria (Inferno)

Inferno made his debut in the Friction after Endgame and the Monster has made a huge impact on TCW. As a dark mysterious character with a brooding anger and an enigmatic past, Kamaria created a powerful character to build great feuds with. After giving Subway Jack food for thought and running TCW World Champion Darkness to the wire, Inferno was entered into the Majestic Cup, and at the Cup's Pay Per View pulled off something amazing. After beating Will Shamrock and Atomic Welfare (Kamaria's fellow Rookies) in the Semi Final, Inferno pinned FWRfed World Champion Malaki to win the vacant Transcontinental Championship. With Inferno on such a hot streak, and Kamaria writing so superbly, it will be interesting to focus on her character's rise through the year.

1st: Sandman (Will Shamrock)

Working double time with the same character in two different Feds is a challenge very few feuders dare to attempt, but Sandman showed he has the ability to pull it off, and as a result earned Rookie of the Year. Shamrock debuted on FWRFed and immediately started a love triangle involving himself, Indigo and Mohawk. Since losing the Indigo to Mohawk, Sandman was able to transistion perfectly, as the secretly jealous rich guy, admiring Indigo from afar while concentrating on earning titles as an essential Underground member. After beating JE for the Revolution title and defending it against JE and Alex Dragonslayer, Shamrock faced Crazy Hobo in an intriguing feud which showcased both feuders talents. Despite losing the title, Shamrock entered a Battle Royal to be the Number 1 Contender for the FWR Fed World Title, which included some of FWR's best (and Alex Dragonslayer, Shamrock's newly found brother). Shamrock was declared joint winner, a reward for his great feuding. While rising up the card in FWR, Sandman debuted Shamrock in TCW with a similar level of success. After impressing against Myra Tripp and Subway Jack, Will Shamrock was rewarded with a shot at the AfterShock Title at Endgame. Despite a narrow defeat, Shamrock continued to feud magificantly, even pinning former 411/ECF World Champion Jason Dante to qualify for the Majestic Cup. The future looks bright for Shamrock and will surely earn the chance to win gold in the near future...

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

I have some shit on Kindle too: ,

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:48 pm
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Linda McMahon
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Best Tag Team

Joint 3rd: The RoXoRz (David Hardy and Highone)

The legendary RoXoRz only teamed together a few times in 2007, but they made sure that everyone had good reason to remember their name. Fighting in the service of Infinity, the RoXoRz remained a force to be reckoned with in high profile matches against the likes of Acolyte, Freya and DeadZone.

Joint 3rd: Freya and Darkness

While not an official tag team, Darkness and Freya have made their mark in TCW with a victory over stable-mates Acid Misfit and Acolyte and what is likely to be a strong performance against Bam and Malaki.

Joint 3rd: The New Hellfire Club (Darkness, Dante, Acolyte, Freya, Acid Misfit, Stephen Hawthorne)

One of the two big stables in 2007, the NHFC sported an all-star line up of top level wrestlers. With the World Champion leading them, and two former Champions in their ranks, the NHFC took the fight to Infinity time and time again, finally emerging the survivors of the stable war in the latter half of 2007.

Joint 3rd: Freya and Stephen Hawthorne

Emerging as the flagship tag team of the NHFC, Freya and Hawthorne were involved in many big matches, getting as far as contending for the tag titles against Strikmore and DeSean Blackwell, but not being victorious. Sadly, Hawthorne was injured in the Road to Glory and the team was placed on the shelf indefinitely.

Joint 3rd: GhettoHammer (Hammer, Stoner, Alexxx, GhettoFire)

In 2006, Hammer allied himself with Ghetto Grass and, while he betrayed them to join Infinity later in the year, he managed to blackmail them into becoming his lackeys throughout 2007. Later, GhettoHammer would reform and take part in a number of high profile matches in the name of Infinity.

2nd: The New City Saints (JE and K.I.D.)

The two brothers, JE and K.I.D., initially started as enemies but were brought together again by Mr. Acceptable and became one of TCW's hottest young tag teams. Together, the two men achieved huge success, winning the TCW Unified Tag Titles at Endgame.

1st: Matt Strikmore and DeSean Blackwell

Strikmore and DeSean feuded throughout the first half of 2007 over Strikmore's Transcontinental Championship but, when DeSean had to pick a tag partner to challenge with him for the vacant Tag Titles, he surprised everyone by choosing Strikmore. The two enjoyed an uneasy partnership, but captured Tag Team gold and began to respect each other, before Strikmore was attacked by Drakus, and his injuries led to his team losing the belts.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

I have some shit on Kindle too: ,

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:51 pm
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Linda McMahon
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Best Side Character

Joint 3rd: Sam Colt
(FWRFed; created by Thommy H)

When it was decided that Brent Powers needed some muscle to stop all the beatings he was getting from psychotic characters such as Rage, the Masked Man and Alex Dragonslayer, Sam Colt was the man brought in. A former bodyguard, Sam was just there to do his job, and fulfilled the role of dumb muscle quite nicely. However, the longer he hung around, the more he seemed to interject his own opinions into proceedings until he and Powers became something of a double-act. This was mostly facilitated by the fact that Colt has revealed, through a number of casual remarks, that he is a homosexual, something that gives the paranoid and increasingly ineffectual Powers a fair amount of concern - now no one takes even his towering bodyguard seriously.

Joint 3rd: Brent Powers
(FWRFed; created by Misfit)

Brent Powers was TCW's answer to the problem of running FWRFed. Sadly, he wasn't a very good answer. Brent knows a fair bit about running businesses, but nothing whatsoever about wrestling, something his more rebellious employees were only too happy to exploit. Eventually, Powers's inability to control the fed came to the attention of the TCW Board of Directors, who informed him that he had to regain control of the promotion or lose his job. Powers, suitably chastised, promptly formed The Corporation (an idea he seems to think is totally original...) from any wrestlers who were mercenary enough to be persuaded to join him. Unfortunately for Powers, the status quo seems to have reasserted itself as The Corporation became dominated by competent men like Brian Malone and Gabriel Bathory and Powers was thrust back into the position of glorified plate-spinner, trying to keep everything running and maintaining the illusion of control for the sake of his job.

Joint 2nd: Revenant

Introduced in a ten-part non-match feuding story, and fleshed out in a further five-part one before actually showing up before Road to Glory, Revenant is Darkness's half-vampire companion. A girl in her mid-teens, Revenant is something of a surrogate daughter to the implacable hero, but never misses an opportunity to cut her protector down to size. Revenant comes from an extremely traumatic past so is noticeably abrasive with almost everyone and finds it very difficult to form normal relationships with people, but she has nonetheless proved an invaluable member of Darkness's team, even joining the Order of Shadow Slayers at his side. Revenant is usually found wherever Darkness is, and has shared all of his recent adventures, demonstrating considerable fighting prowess and a number of useful talents - most notably her ability to ‘wall crawl'.

Joint 2nd: Selenia

The succubus Selenia is one of the longest-running side characters in TCW - she was introduced as a demonic parasite in Dante's mind at the time of the original Hellfire Club: a gift from Bleeder to his protégé. Dante vomited her out in early 2005, but had the foresight to scrape the demonic serum from the floor of his lab in case it should come in handy again. It proved so when Dante set himself up as Lucifer's Champion in opposition to Darkness and re-injected himself with Selenia's essence to become a half-demon. She continued to inhabit his mind for some time before Dante found a way to transfer her into the body of a kidnapped starlet, giving her a corporeal form at last. Now she had a physical body and he had somehow retained his demonic powers, Dante and Selenia embarked on one of the strangest love stories in history, which featured Dante realising the harm he was causing by having her possess someone else's body and performing an (in-story) retcon of sorts by going back in time and changing things so that he never kidnapped the unfortunate victim (which turned out to be the reason the feud in which it happened was so confusing and full of continuity errors...) and then exhuming Selenia's real body and reuniting it with her soul. They are now married and Selenia is pregnant with Dante's child, but, given her nature and the story so far, what can we expect from the offspring?

1st: Valerie Stern
(TCW; created by Misfit)

When ECF and 411fed became TCW, Valerie Stern replaced Pyro as Commissioner. A successful television producer with a string of reality TV hits to her name, Stern made it clear from the outset that she had no intention of taking any nonsense from her employees. For much of her early reign, Stern seemed content to remain in the background, letting the wrestlers deal with their own issues. Notably, she seemed happy to pander to Infinity's whims in their war with the NHFC, giving hints of what was to come. She overlooked their theft of the belts and even stood by when Highone attacked the paralysed Dante for the World Titles, insisting only that there would be some token gesture to make it appear as if he had had chance to defend them. Stern has recently become far more prominent on TCW television as the promotion has been investigated by Congress and has made obvious her desire to rid the fed of what she considers to be undesirable elements such as Darkness and Freya. Though Stern is careful not to cross the line into being despised by the fans - after all, she has the right to want the best for her promotion - many of her recent decisions have been unpopular, and it remains to be seen how much she is willing to alienate them to eliminate the thorns in her side.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:54 pm
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Funniest Feuder

Joint 3rd: John Chase

FWRFed's John Chase was not hugely successful during his time in the promotion, but his feuding provided plenty of laughs by exploring what would happen if the television character Johnny Quest were to grow up and, with the benefits of his detective skills and technology, tackle the modern world.

Joint 3rd: Ash

Returning to e-fedding after a long hiatus, ECF and 411fed veteran Ash showed just what had made him such an integral part of the e-fedding world with his madcap comedy stylings. Ash also made plenty of time-consuming but hilarious youtubes to entertain his e-fedding friends in the e-fed he was a member of.

Joint 2nd: Mohawk

Everyone's favourite big, dumb nice guy, Mohawk has proved that, while he can get the job done in the ring, no scenario is too simple to perplex and confuse him. His adventures have included thwarting Bathory's plans through sheer stupidity, meeting a pub full of Canadian-Irish even dumber than he was and introducing Malaki to the concept of "Fuck You Friday".

Joint 2nd: Ghetto Grass

The Ghetto Grass kids have been a fixture of ECF and then TCW for as long as anyone can remember and they haven't changed much - except to become more legible since their first incarnation. Ghetto is never too proud to give us an insight into the minds of a group of layabout stoners who have somehow tricked their way into becoming highly-paid pro. wrestlers.

Joint 1st: Mr. Acceptable

Completely average in every way, there is almost nothing that can be said here about Mr. Acceptable. He is utterly and completely mediocre, with no distinguishing features or special skills. Of course, he's surrounded by colleagues with absurd back stories, ridiculous appearances and personalities that usually verge on the psychopathic, which makes him positively weird.

Joint 1st: "Crazy Hobo" Woody Daniels


Once, it was thought that one joke repeated twenty times was not the same as twenty jokes. Crazy Hobo is forcing comedy experts to reassess this long held assumption.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:58 pm
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Most Over Heel

Joint 3rd: William Shamrock

With a million-dollar fortune and an attitude to match, it's no surprise that Shamrock is one of the most reviled heels in FWRFed and TCW. Since joining The Underground he's started to become slightly more likable, but don't think for a second that Shamrock has changed his ways, as his recent behaviour demonstrates.

Joint 3rd: Highone

As the leader of Infinity, Highone was public enemy number one - he attacked Dante when he was paralysed by a neck injury and stole the World Titles, as well as leading multiple backstage and in-ring attacks on his enemies. Highone was always the hero in his own mind, of course, making his monstrous actions even more repellent to the fans.

Joint 3rd: Kermit

Former Bleeder Champion Kermit was hated by the fans for his cheating ways and his mercenary attitude. He betrayed his own tag partner to capture the Bleeder Title and went to great lengths to keep hold of his belt, dodging fights wherever he could, going against many of his previous actions - perhaps an indication of the strange influence that that particular title has on its holder.

Joint 2nd: Titanium Insomniac

As Infinity's self-appointed "blunt object", TI was his stable's biggest hitter and the one who found the most success. His feud with fan-favourite Matt Strikmore made him despised by the crowd and his malicious and vindictive behaviour earned him the ire of his colleagues.

Joint 2nd: The Masked Man

The mysterious assailant who beat down Malaki and stole the FWRFed World Title was rightly hated by all the fans. He held FWRFed hostage for months, beating down its stars as his whim dictated and putting Malaki through hell with his manipulative mind games. Finally, he revealed himself to be none other than FWRFed's founder, Acid Jackrabbit, and explained that all of his evil actions had been to make FWRFed stronger. Do the ends really justify the means? Jackrabbit seemed to think so.

Joint 2nd: Brian Malone

The poster boy for The Corporation, veteran Brian Malone was instrumental in the rise of his faction. Early on in his FWRFed career, he made it clear to Powers that he was only wrestling for the money and that, if the boss needed protection, he was the man to go to. Malone made no bones about his mercenary nature and it is this attitude that made him despised by the fans: to Malone, there was no pride in his work, no reward for entertaining the fans - his sole concern was the bottom line.

1st: Gabriel Bathory

The insane Gabriel Bathory rightly calls himself the master manipulator, and he has proved that, whatever happens to him and his enemies, it's almost always just part of his latest machiavellian plot. Taunting his foes with his split personality, Bathory always seems on the edge of total anarchy, but the truth is that he's really always in control, and is always thinking about how any given situation can wind up benefiting him. Though he is a member of The Corporation, it seems clear that Bathory won't hesitate to sell out his own faction if it will help him in the long run.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:01 pm
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Most Over Babyface

3rd: Mohawk

Lovable idiot Mohawk is a big fan favourite thanks to his cheery disposition and his success in the ring. His relationship with Indigo has certainly made him seem like one of the more accessible wrestlers in FWRFed, and the fans are happy to lend their support to the big dumb oaf.

Joint 2nd: "Crazy Hobo" Woody Daniels

How does a man who can only say one thing become so popular? Perhaps it's a reflection of how bored the fans are of long, rambling promos and complex characters with unknowable motivations. Or maybe they just like the idea of a wrestling tramp and his endless quest for "change"...

Joint 2nd: Matt Strikmore

Strikmore was an island of normality in a sea of craziness and the fans loved him for that. As TCW's "token sane person", Strikmore did all he could to keep his head in the right place throughout his career and met with amazing success, but ultimately he was dragged down by his otherworldly foes. Strikmore may return some day and, when he does, his millions of fans will doubtless be chanting his name again.

Joint 2nd: Jason Dante

Once one of the most reviled heels in wrestling, Dante redeemed himself after his match with Darkness at Endgame 2006. Since then, he's been one of the top babyfaces in TCW, fighting the good fight against the likes of Infinity and Drakus and forming the NHFC. His phenomenal popularity hasn't dimmed since he lost the World Titles and Dante seems, likely to remain a well-loved fan favourite for years to come.

Joint 1st: Indigo

FWRFed's Indigo has remained popular since her debut thanks to her cheery demeanour and never-say-die attitude. Even when she seemed to be cheating her way to the top, the fans still rallied behind her and supported her in her title match against Malaki. Indigo's star is rising, and she's never been more popular than she is right now.

Joint 1st: Darkness

Since his debut in 2005, Darkness has been a huge fan favourite. In 2007, he walked the line between good and evil but, when it counted, he did the right thing and the fans continued to chant his name. As an iconic star with an incredible track record, Darkness almost seems to be becoming a cult, supported by his millions of fans across the world, christened "Darklings" by his former tag partner.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:03 pm
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Most Improved Feuder

3rd: "Crazy Hobo" Woody Daniels

Going from a single gag to being Revolution Champion isn't easy, but Crazy Hobo managed it. Starting out as a very basic idea, but growing to specialise in writing other people's characters and handling complex stories has shown that Crazy Hobo is one of the best prospects in FWRFed.

2nd: Kermit

A simple mobster gimmick grew into something with a lot more depth when Kermit moved from the lower midcard into TCW's main event scene in a matter of months. His story began to encompass supernatural aspects as he encountered the ghost of his father and, at Endgame, he proved he could hang with Freya and, even though he lost the Bleeder Title, he became one of the promotion's biggest stars.

Joint 1st: William Shamrock

As one of FWRFed's poster boy rookies, Shamrock began with a very basic idea: a rich, arrogant bastard. But since then he's grown into something much more - with a long-lost brother, an unrequited crush on his stable-mate and now an ailing fortune, Shamrock is one of the biggest names in FWRFed and a former Revolution Champion.

Joint 1st: JE

JE started in 411fed/ECF as a total novice - his feuding hardly set the world on fire and it took some help from a few veterans to bring him around to the way the game worked. Despite this, JE is now a former Revolution Champion and a current TCW Tag Champion. He was one of the founder members of FWRFed and the first true member of The Corporation. He's well on his way to becoming a well respected and successful feuder in both feds.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:06 pm
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Most Popular Feuder

3rd: VoodooPenguin

The idea of a 411mod being popular might be a strange one, but somehow Penguin managed to get third place votes. Always willing to offer help to a new feuder, Penguin helped bring some new blood into FWRFed with a campaign earlier this year. Add to that his new role as assistant booker of the fed, and it becomes a bit more clear as to how he was voted into this spot. Now if we could just get him to admit that he's an efedder rather than "a poster who happens to efed."

2nd: Thommy H

Combine the dry wit of a Brit with the tolerance of a Yankee and you have Thommy H. Possibly one of the most dedicated people around, Thommy is not just head booker and match writer for FWRFed but also shares some duties at TCW. The people have responded favorably, and even though sometimes they aren't sure what the hell he's talking about, they like reading him say it.

1st: Lance Canada

The head mofo in charge of Twisted Experience, Lance Canada has shown time and again his dedication to the world of EFedding. As head booker for TCW he has been in charge of some of the most enthralling storylines in the past year, and apparently the people like him for it. Besides, he had that avatar of "Nice Pete" for so long, and who wouldn't vote for that?

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:08 pm
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The EWI 20 Wrestler of the Year (20 - 16)

Joint 20th: JE

2007 was the year in which JE captured multiple titles, holding not only the TCW Tag Team Championship with his partner K.I.D. but also becoming the innagural FWRFed Revolution Champion and the TCW Aftershock Champion. These days JE has made it clear that his aspirations are even higher, and he plans to prove that to the fans in 2008.

Joint 20th: John Chase

The free agent of the Underground vs Corporation war in FWRFed, John Chase never picked a side in the battle, instead being content to quietly rack up wins and put on impressive performances for the fans. Though he's currently retired, our fans have voted him into this list as a testament to his performances earlier in the year.

Joint 19th: Myra Tripp

Myra Tripp was a returning face to TCW in 2006 after an abortive ECF run several years earlier. Myra made her mark early on, not with high-profile victories, but with a style and attitude that almost all her opponents found extremely unnerving. Myra has been MIA for most of 2007, but she recently returned at The Majestic Cup, apparently on the side of The Prophet. What does the future have in store for this strange young girl?

Joint 19th: Subway Jack

TCW has attracted its fair share of itinerant wanderers, but Subway Jack might be one of the more unusual in recent years. With his dirty jacket, scraggy blonde hair and general unwashed appearance, it's a mystery how he has so much success with women. Rumour has it that he married Elsie (of Duo fame) while in Vegas, but sadly neither of them were available for comment. Subway Jack has begun forging a career based on having the crap beaten out of him, bet it at the hands of monsters like Cage or Inferno, or the smaller - but no less dangerous - William Shamrock. Despite his predilection for taking a pounding, however, Subway Jack has a curious habit of pulling out victories, even if it doesn't look like it by the end.

Joint 19th: Brian Malone

A rugged veteran of the sport, Brian Malone quickly made his presence felt in the FWRFed, using his experience to his advantage and gaining victories against those who opposed him. He then joined with the Corporation and found himself in the World Title picture, and although unfortunate circumstances have sidelined him for now, he will be a force to be reckoned with yet again whenever he makes his return.

Joint 18th: The Stealth XPress

Though they haven't made much of an impact yet, these colorful FWRFed ninjas have made their presence known to fans worldwide, gaining them a spot in this countdown. While the duo is looking for even more success in the next year, their flashy yet sneaky style has already proven to be acknowledged by our fans.

Joint 18th: "Crazy Hobo" Woody Daniels

FWRFed certainly has it's share of interesting characters, but none more so than the fan favorite Crazy Hobo. After a rough start, Woody Daniels has been on a winning streak as of late, collecting not only spare change but also the cheers of fans and victories over such luminaries as William Shamrock. As the voting period ended, Hobo captured the FWRFed Revolution championship and had a close match with FWRFed World Champion Malaki, cementing his status as a force to be reckoned with.

Joint 18th: Red Barker

This whiskey drinkin', no nonsense takin' superstar burst on the scene in FWRFed this year and immediately made his presence known. Though he allied himself with the Corporation he took exception to certain members and found himself in memorable bouts across the ring from Mr. Acceptable. After a decent showing in the FWRFed battle royal, Red has now turned his sights to capturing the FWRFed Revolution Championship.

Joint 17th: DeSean Blackwell
Previous Position: 17th

Known to most as "The Technician", DeSean Blackwell is one of TCW's most recognisable faces. A multi-time Tag-Team Champion and a key member of Infinity in 2006 and 2007, DeSean has made his mark on the wrestling world. In 2007 he was perhaps best known as the tag partner of the reluctant Matt Strikmore: a partnership that brought him Tag-Team gold, but not the coveted Transcontinental Title of his partner and rival. DeSean has recently been on hiatus from wrestling, but he can be assured that when he returns the fans will be clamouring to see more success from him as he looks to fulfil his huge potential.

Joint 17th: Mr. Acceptable

After an average run in TCW, this FWRFed superstar made his decision in the Underground vs Corporation battle early on, siding with the Corporate team of Brent Powers and bringing his Southern Wrecking Crew friends with him. Since then he has had a string of perfectly acceptable matches against perfectly acceptable opponents. Always willing to take whatever match Powers hands out, Mr. Acceptable might not have found himself in the title hunt, but has earned his spot on the countdown through average but adequate performances.

Joint 16th: Titanium Insomniac

A former 411fed World and TCW Bleeder Champion, the Titanium Insomniac surely meets all the criteria to be called a "living legend". He returned to the ring after a long hiatus in 2006 as a member of Infinity and, with that band of renegades, wrote a new chapter in his legend. As Bleeder Champion, the Insomniac was seemingly unassailable, taking part in memorable matches in 2007 against the NHFC and old rival Matt Stikmore, but a backstage assault taking advantage of the belt's rules in April by Kermit robbed him off his title and little has been heard from the Dark Harlequin since. Rest assured that the TCW fans will be waiting for TI's return and, even though 2007 wasn't his most successful year, his position on this chart is a reflection of the high esteem in which they hold him.

Joint 16th: Inferno

One of the newest faces on TCW's roster, Inferno has already made a reputation for himself by going toe-to-toe with Darkness and holding his own against the World Champion, as well as getting to the final of the Majestic Cup. Inferno may not have won the match, but he was the victor of the first fall, earning himself the vacant Transcontinental Championship. Such early success is hopefully indicative of a truly impressive future career, but it seems unlikely that Inferno will earn many fans with his terrifying appearance and the monstrous brutality he displays in the ring. One thing is for certain; the masked giant has already made his mark in TCW, and he seems determined to fight his way to the top.

Joint 16th: Bleeder

Few men have changed the wrestling world as Bleeder has. In the old 411fed he held victories over future World Champions Titanium Insomniac, Coren and Bruce and founded the Hellfire Club, whose actions had far reaching consequences, eventually creating the Dynasty and the Vicious Circle to oppose them. Since that time, the New Hellfire Club has formed, and it was against two of its members that Bleeder returned for one night only at the Majestic Cup. Bleeder brutalised Darkness in the ring, but Freya was able to make the save and pick up the victory. Nonetheless, the TCW fans remember Bleeder and their votes for him reflect not only his performance in that match, but also his amazing legacy.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:19 pm
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Linda McMahon
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The EWI 20 Wrestler of the Year (15 - 11)

15th: The Big Bamlicious


Bamlicious - Bam to his friends, of whom there are very few left now - is a former ECF World Champion and 411fed Aftershock Champion and a true legend of the sport. His return at the Majestic Cup was a huge shock, and he justified his reputation by walking out with the Cup itself. Bam has nothing to prove to TCW's fans, but he's nothing if not ambitious, and surely he now has his eyes on the Unified World Championship. Time will tell if Bam can repeat the successes of the past, but judging by his performance so far and his position in this countdown, don't expect anything less than total domination.

14th: Highone
Previous Position: 9th


As the founder of Infinity, 2007 was a big year for Highone. He was the mastermind behind Aperiophobia and the attack on the paralysed Jason Dante that left him in possession of the Unified World Championship. Unfortunately for Highone, Dante's recovery was faster than anyone could have expected, and he made Infinity's leader regret his beatdown. Nonetheless, Highone was an impressive force in the early part of 2007, always in position to destroy his enemies and achieve the success his previous career had only hinted at. Since the Road to Glory, Highone has been on hiatus, and the rumours are that he has retired for good. It remains to be seen if a TCW - or perhaps FWRFed - ring will ever be graced by Highone again but, if it is, we can be assured that he'll bring the same talent and ambition that he always has.

13th: Gabriel Bathory


After leaving FWRFed for a while, Gabriel Bathory burst back onto the scene in June of this year, interfering in a match between Malaki and Mohawk and putting himself right in the main event picture. Though a hired gun in the Corporation, Bathory has proven on occasion to only look out for himself, something which is rather difficult considering his multiple personalities. Regardless, Bathory had a successful year in 2007, coming close to winning the FWRFed championship, and then manipulating matches to ensure those he wanted to have World Title shots gained them. While these actions have made him known as one of the most evil characters in wrestling today, Bathory seems to not care, and our fans cannot wait to see the rest of his master plan unfold.

12th: David Hardy
Previous Position: 10th


2007 saw the birth of "The Aftershock Superstar" after David Hardy began Infinity's campaign of belt-stealing by taking possession of JE's Aftershock Title. Unlike the rest of his stable-mates though, Hardy held onto his prize after Aperiophobia by winning it in a match and he's had a stranglehold on the division ever since. David Hardy is a highly decorated champion, having held almost every title currently contested in TCW and only the Bleeder and World Championships have thus far eluded him. David Hardy remains the only member of Infinity currently competing, and, while he has been quiet recently, he's returned with a bang at the Majestic Cup, taking out newcomer Drako on behalf of Commissioner Stern. It remains to be seen whether Hardy's association with the boss is the beginning of a new stage in his career, and a new spell of success.

11th: The Hammer
Previous Position: 8th


Mutaaz "The Hammer" Tareef is one of the ECF greats, and his time in TCW was marked by the same success. Always in contention for the World Title, and coming within a hair of winning it at Stranglehold in 2006, Hammer continued his winning ways in the first half of 2007. Though a member of Infinity, Hammer always held himself slightly apart from his stable and, when he announced his retirement after Endgame 2007, it was against his old friends/lackeys Ghetto Grass that he feuded leading up to the big event. Hammer exited TCW in style with an amazing match against Acolyte and he left the fed with a bang, ending up with the girl and getting a huge ovation. Needless to say, Hammer will be welcome back in TCW in the future, but he seems happier making movies in Hollywood, and we wish him luck in his future career.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:27 pm
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Linda McMahon
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The EWI 20 Wrestler of the Year (10 - 6)

10th: Matt Strikmore


Surely the most promising rookie of 2006, Matt Strikmore was a legendary Transcontinental Champion and the first winner of the Majestic Cup. He made his mark against the legendary Titanium Insomniac, with whom he enjoyed a rivalry throughout his time in TCW. His other major foe was Drakus, who was the man who took him out of action at Endgame. Strikmore was one of the most likable and down to earth personalities in TCW, but the rigours of the road took their toll on him and the Matt Strikmore of 2007 was a different man from that of 2006. His bitter feud with DeSean Blackwell was never really resolved, but the two men did reach an understanding as the Tag Champions in this year. Strikmore remains on hiatus since his injury at the hands of Drakus, but hopefully he'll make his return soon and continue his success.

9th: Kermit


Kermit began his career in TCW as part of a tag team with JE, but this dissolved in 2007 as the two feuded over the Bleeder Championship. Kermit was one of the most loathed men in TCW as he tried to hold onto his belt, though he gained some measure of sympathy when he became embroiled in the feud between Dante and Darkness leading up to Endgame. Perhaps Kermit's highest profile rivalry was against Freya, who beat him for the Bleeder Title at Endgame in an amazing match. Sadly, Kermit sustained an injury at the end of that match and nothing has been heard from him since. His whereabouts unknown, we can only hope that Kermit is safe and well, and that he will return to the TCW ring some day. For now, his high position on this chart is a reflection of his career so far.

8th: Alex Dragonslayer


Alex Dragonslayer seems to have had a hard time finding is side in the FWRFed but he sure hasn't had a hard time finding success. After a memorable feud with Brian Malone, Dragonslayer joined and then subsequently left the Corporation, a move which somehow garnered him a world title shot. After coming close to taking the title from Malaki (and after working with Malaki to escape Mexican Terrorists) Dragonslayer has remained at the top of the FWRFed, embroiled in feuds with not only Gabriel Bathory but also his estranged brother William Shamrock. Add in his performances for TCW and it's clear why the "Great British Hero" deserves this high spot in the rankings.

7th: William Shamrock


William Shamrock was toiling away in the FWRFed until the actions of Brent Powers lit a proverbial fire under his ass, and got him to join the Underground. Since then Shamrock has used his vast fortunes and even vaster athletic abilities to elevate his status in the world of pro wrestling, capturing the FWRFed Revolution Title from JE and even gaining a victory over Dante in TCW (albeit with the help of Duo). After a close contest with Malaki, that led to Malaki leaving the Underground, Shamrock has taken over leadership of the group, and though he lost his Revolution Championship, has set his eyes on the bigger prize of becoming FWRFed World Champion.

6th: Mohawk


FWRFed superstar and Underground member Mohawk certainly had an impressive year. Though he never found himself in contention for a title, he has amassed a winning streak that would put Bill Goldberg to shame. Having never been pinned nor submitted it is clear Mohawk is bound for the main event, but he currently would rather set his sights on fighting off Brent Power's Corporation and especially the Southern Wrecking Crew. Even without a championship belt, our fans have chosen to recognize him not only for his winning streak, but also his cheerful good nature and heart of gold.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:35 pm
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Linda McMahon
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The EWI 20 Wrestler of the Year (Top 5)

5th: Indigo


2007 could be called Indigo's breakout year in the FWRFed, and with good reason. For the past few months the main event scene has literally revolved around her, with numerous suitors vying for her attention, and her success driving FWRFed World Champion Malaki into a near nervous breakdown. Through it all, Indigo remained true to herself, her Underground teammates, and her championship aspirations, coming within an eyelash of taking the World Championship from Malaki, in a match where she literally beat him until he was unable to continue. Though some have questioned the means by which she has risen to the top, our fans obviously don't question her abilities, giving her this very deserved spot on the countdown as she continues to amaze FWRFed fans with her high flying attacks.

4th: Freya Green
Previous Position: 31st


The story of Freya's career can best be summed up by comparing her current position on this countdown to her position in the last EWI - she has gained an immense 27 places, the highest climb in EWI history. Freya was a little regarded member of TCW in 2006, despite a Bleeder Title reign to her credit, but she surely demolished any doubts when she defeated Darkness just before Endgame, a feat replicated by few individuals in the past. At Endgame itself she won back the Bleeder Title and has remained in the main event scene ever since, teaming with Darkness several times. Freya's recent victory over the legendary Bleeder cemented her status as one of the best TCW has ever seen, and it may only be a matter of time before she comes knocking on the door of her friend and fellow NHFC-member Darkness, looking for his belts.

3rd: Jason Dante
Previous Position: 3rd


2007 was an incredible year for Dante. He began it as the 411fed and ECF Unified World Champion and weathered the storm of Infinity for half a year to keep hold of the belts. Dante is the most decorated champion in history, having held every belt currently contested in TCW and being the longest reigning World Champion of all time. In 2007 he received his greatest acclaim of all, recovering from a devastating injury that left him paralysed from the neck down to retain his Titles against Highone and Aperiophobia and also becoming the first man to win the Road to Glory two years in a row. Though Dante lost to Darkness at Endgame, there seems to be no disputing his legacy as perhaps the greatest to ever step into the ring and, though he and his wife Selenia are now expecting their first child, he shows no signs of slowing down. How long will it be before Dante looks for the World Titles again?

2nd: Malaki


The only world champion which the FWRFed has ever known, Malaki had a very successful year in 2007. He managed to take on all comers, and though he's had some defeats, he's been able to maintain his status as World Champion. After defeating the Masked Man (who stole his title) in a memorable ladder match at Redemption, Malaki went on to draw the "Line in the Sand" forming the Underground to fight off the control of Commissioner Brent Powers. He was able to defeat the challenges of opponents such as Brian Malone, Gabriel Bathory, and Alex Dragonslayer, but in-fighting and paranoia over potentially losing his title caused him to leave the Underground, and abandoned his "hero-like ways". Since, then, Malaki's focus has been clear: keeping his title by any means necessary, something which he was able to do in a very memorable match against Indigo at Heatwave. Though, the FWRFed World Championship is his main focus, Malaki seems to be seeking to add more gold to his trophy case, having made a surprise appearance in TCW and an immediate impact in the Majestic Cup Tournament.

1st: Darkness
Previous Position: 1st


The winner of this years EWI 20 Wrestler of the Year, Darkness maintains his spot at the very top of the wrestling industry. As the 411fed and ECF Unified World Champion, Darkness should be expected to place highly in this countdown, but 2007 has been as amazing a year for him as any previous year in his career. Throughout this year he has been the same unstoppable force, racking up victories over almost anyone who crossed his path. As one of the leaders of the NHFC, he took the fight to Infinity and was instrumental in breaking their hold over TCW at Apeirophobia. He entered the Road to Glory first, and lasted until the very end - a feat that has never been achieved before - and was granted a title shot at Endgame as a result. At the biggest pay-per-view of the year, Darkness went one-on-one with his former ally Dante in a contest that was also voted Match of the Year by the TCW and FWRFed fans and won the World Titles. Since then he has continued to find success, but not without the help of Freya. Darkness places first on this countdown thanks to his sheer dominance throughout his career in TCW, and he seems to have no plans to retire or stop his winning ways.

- lots and lots of short fiction, written by me, regularly updated.

- it's a space opera novel I wrote.

I have some shit on Kindle too: ,

Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:45 pm
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